South Florida on the tour, PLEASE???

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows South Florida on the tour, PLEASE???

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    Lucinda we need to see you in Palm Beach. I saw Lucinda at the Carefree in West Palm Beach, which is no longer there due to Hurricane Wilma. I also saw Lucinda at the amphitheater at the So Florida Fairgrounds opening for Neil Young probably close to 10 years ago. Lucinda was better than Neil that night and I have been a big fan since.

    New album with new tour, please consider seeing us again. We all had a great time at the Carefree. YOu are the best!!



    YES, YES, YES … please come. WPB, Ft Laud, Miami,… !!!

    Yes – LW is the best, by far! 8)

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