Viper Room Report 1/1/11

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Viper Room Report 1/1/11

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    Great show. It is 3 am.The show ended 90 minutes ago. Should I wake up tomorrow, a full report will be posted. Here is the setlist:

    Tears of Joy
    Born to be Loved
    Make The World Go Away (Hank Corchoran)
    Jailhouse Tears (Doug vocals)
    I lost It
    Seeing Black
    What Are You Doing New Years Eve (per Stoger)
    Come On
    Real Live Bleeding Fingers
    Unsuffer Me
    Somebody Loan Me a Dime (Boz Scaggs)
    Change The Locks
    Kiss Like Your Kiss
    When I Get Like This (aborted)
    Midnight Hour (Wilson Picket)
    I live My Life
    Honey Bee
    Long Way To The Top

    At midnight, the band played a new song, What Are You Doing New Years Eve, but I forget where it falls in the setlist,due to fatigue and massive brain damage.


    6 hours later I am awake since I am giving Tim a ride to the airport but let me give a New Years tip of the cap to Stoger, West Words, and Tim for traveling across the country to catch this show. They are great fans and are also truly insane.

    Also NYE shout outs to Paul from Los Angeles and our famed Webmasta, who was rocking out all night, for making the scene. One of our newer website members was there but I did not get to meet them. I am sure everyone I just mentioned is still fast asleep.

    A full report will follow in many hours. Safe travels to Tim, Stoger, and West Words.


    What a set list tonyg. Thanks. Virtually a double CD in length.
    Nice to see some covers of a few classics. this is a bit different for Lu.
    Tell me, were there 3 or 4 re-starts with Doug on Jailhouse Tears a la the First Ave. Webcast? 😆

    Here is the “What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve” song covered by Rufus Wainwright and was written way back in 1947 by Frank Loesser.
    Nice to hear that some prominent friendly forum fans plus WebMasta made it to the Viper.



    Awesome. Here is the marquee. (sp?)


    Fine reporting, Tony. That marquee actually had Lu’s name on both sides, with Jack Shit making only the west side. I believe that Tim and others would agree that the New Year’s resolution of Lucinda is off to a fine keeping, based on last night.

    “Jailhouse Tears” was a one-taker, LWJ, though I vaguely remember turning to Tony and speculating that a verse had been left out. The song paired nicely with “Buttercup”–which unfortunately was blurbed by the LA Weekly critic as a song influenced by “the glow of love.” Guess that guy didn’t get beyond the surface title. But his brief article also said “Real Love” was about Tom. . .

    I was surprised by the nature of Jack Shit’s set, as Butch Norton had warned us in passing to put our ear plugs in. Mild to heavy noise level I’d say–they worked the Gram Parsons-related material wonderfully, including a midtemp “Devil in Disguise” and an electrified, instrumental-break-heavy “Pretty Polly.” I liked their “Long Black Veil” too, though the rubes-in-from-the-rural-California-sticks personas between songs wore a little thin. Each has a fecal-related name, it would seem; Val’s is “Bo Shit.”

    The one guitar tech was a nice guy, from France. I feel like I’m in a position to judge this, as he had to work from front of stage (no wings in the Viper) and constantly jostled me as he lifted and re-racked the instruments. But he did a great job. Don’t think I’ve ever been elbowed by any jeffflappygilwolfienickdewitt-s though.

    One curious comment: Lu said at one point that they hoped to “put the last tour behind us”. I’m willing to concede that this was part of her fresh start in ’11 spiel, as it was delivered in that context. But who thought the August tour sucked? Not this reporter.

    The New Year’s ditty was song eleven, I think Tony. It was listed to kick-off the night, but Lu was in no light bantering mood upon walk-on. That changed.

    “Convince Me,” “Awakening,” and “Blessed” were on setlist, not played. The other newbies were great.

    So thanks especially to Tony for his pre-show largesee, and to WestWords for helping to make this happen for me. Good to see paulfrom losangeles, tim, and Etienne (sp?) as well. Go 2011.


    Back from the airport. Great report by Stoger. I actually thought Lu said “put the past year behind us”. I coud be wrong. Here we go:

    Tim, Etienne, and I got to Hollywood around 8, ravenously hungry. We parked in a lot behind the Whisky A Go Go and strolled over to the Viper Room, where we could hear the band rehearsing I Lost It, I think, from the sidewalk. Lots of freaky looking people around the Whisky and the general Sunset Strip area. We walked 2 blocks to a mexican cantina that was in a pre-NYE mode with party hats and such at the ready. We were pleased and surprised to find Stoger and West Words already there having something to eat. We joined them and ate dinner and I had 3 margaritas in rapid succession. At around 8:30 we made it back to the Viper Room.

    Once inside the club, it appeared they only had about 60 watts of light going. It was so dark, I couldn’t tell how many people were there, or who they were. We repaired to the bar and I had another margarita, my last alcoholic beverage of the night.

    Jackshit took the stage at 9 pm. They played a pleasant and amusing one hour set. Tim, Etienne, and I watched from in back. Stoger and West Words wisely took up positions at the side of the stage, in front of Val.

    Lu hit the stage at 11 pm. By then the place was jammed; we were packed in like sardines. By then I took up a position in front with Stoger, West Words, and newly arrived Paul from Los Angeles. Unfortunately, Lu’s guitar guy, who I think was James Trussart, was working Lu’s guitars in the same spot we were standing, so it was a constant struggle to maintain one’s position and sanity. Add to that, every part of my body was being crushed by one drunk person or another, which caused to me to go careening into West Words every 5 minutes. Sorry Sandy. The guitar guy was very pleasant though.

    Lu looked and sounded fantastic. She was in great spririts. Surprises abounded in the setlist. Val and Doug complimented each other perfectly, and engaged in a massive guitar duel during “Joy”. The band toasted the new year with the song I noted in the setlist. It was hot and loud.

    Around 1 am Lu said the band was going to take a break and then come back and play some more, but they never left the stage and kept going until about 1:20 am. The exit door opened and a sea of humanity poured out of the tiny club onto Sunset Blvd. It was a brisk 46 degrees out and the fresh air felt great. Many of the Sunset Strip area clubs were also emptying out and the street was filled with insane revelers and the odd serial killer here and there.

    I am pretty sure I chatted with Tom O. before I left but it was so dark it was hard to tell who was who. Plus my hearing was pretty much gone by then.

    Kudos again to the website peeps who made it. I think everyone had a super time. No one had more fun than our Webmasta, who I saw rocking out in the corner. After a year of rest, I will be ready to do this again.


    Excellent report(s)!

    The music I was listening to last night was so very different than your listening experience.

    We had one of those hotel package deals with a live band. First song of the night? Car Wash.


    @Lafayette wrote:

    Excellent report(s)!

    I’ll second that, looks like a fun way to start the new year.
    Just a couple of comments / questions.

    For Stoger-great comment on Lu’s former guitar tech. flappy
    -So West Words helped to get you to LA (echos of her getting our Moderator to Fayetteville)
    -I can only guess three things for West Words.
    a) She owns her own private jet
    b) She works for an airline
    c) She did a lot of Christmas shopping and racked up the travel points
    What a gal.

    For tonyg-Outstanding details on the evening even after a few Mexican beverages
    -Loved the marquee, I’m looking forward to seeing one in Toronto and Erie. It’s been too long.

    For both -Did the $100 VIP ticket include any perks?
    – Any merch table despite being packed in like sardines?
    – Did all of the s**** join Lu on stage at any point for a jam session?
    Thanks again you guys for the reporting.
    Here’s a little blurry pic of Lu and Doug last night (courtesy of FB)

    lwj[attachment=0:m2r9mxu7]tn_Viper Room Lu & Doug.jpg[/attachment:m2r9mxu7]


    Thanks to all for the fine reports…



    No goodies or extras for the price, LWJ. No merchandise table either. No room.

    The only Jackshit to play withh LW was Val, for the entire show.


    Thanks tonyg for the extra info.
    For those that don’t look at Lu’s FB page scroll down to the Viper Room and play a video of “Make the World go Away”


    FYI, I posted a cell phone pic on her FB page from the show.

    Los Doyers

    I had a great time…the dual-guitar lineup was brilliant……I leaned a lot on LW’s wedge monitor as the show went on……Sutton gave me one of the (many undrunk) beers that were brought to the stage by attendees…I needed it. Meeting other people was a major highlight…..kind of like being in the pit at a Springsteen show. Highly memorable night…and I have seen hundreds of shows and can sniff out average ones easily…this was a superior performance by the five. Couldn’t get a cab afterwards and ended up having to walk back down Sunset to near my pal’s place in Laurel Canyon (he drove down to Hollywood to save my having to scale the rest of the way).


    Awesome Los Doyers! Are you going to the show at Bardot?

    Los Doyers

    @tonyg wrote:

    Awesome Los Doyers! Are you going to the show at Bardot?

    No, I can’t.

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