Elvis Costello re: Kiss Like Your Kiss

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  • #30413
    West Words


    The Gibson Interview: Elvis Costello
    Bryan Wawzenek|12.22.2010

    “First, I want to congratulate you for the Grammy nomination for “Kiss Like Your Kiss.”

    Elvis: “Somebody sent me a message about that and I said, “What nomination, I’m not even eligible.” [Laughs] So it was kind of a surprise, but I’m very pleased for Lucinda [Williams]. I think it’s one of the most beautiful songs she’s ever written and I just try to stay out of her way. They wanted us both to sing it. Truthfully, it sounds way better on her new record when she sings it alone. No, I’m not being falsely modest. It genuinely does sound better as a solo. But it’s a great song and I’m glad she got acknowledged.”


    Great article West Words, thanks for posting.
    I believe you are one of the lucky few to hear this song live ( and capture it on video ) from Fayetteville, AR


    West Words

    LWJ – I was indeed one of the very lucky ones to hear this performed live and in person, and hope to again at the New Year’s Eve show! 😀

    I know I’m sounding like a broken record, but Blessed is gonna be one heck of an album!

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