Houston and New Orleans Purged?

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Houston and New Orleans Purged?

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    Are Jazz Fest and the Houston festival in doubt? They seem to be purged from the Forum upcoming shows list.


    Interesting. I hadn’t checked that list recently – I assume they were listed there previously?



    No -definitely not purged or in doubt. It seems someone–namely me–jumped the gun an putting those dates up before the those two festivals officially announce their lineups. As a result we were asked to take them down until that announcement has been made. Oops 😮


    @TOverby wrote:

    No -definitely not purged or in doubt. It seems someone–namely me–jumped the gun an putting those dates up before the those two festivals officially announce their lineups. As a result we were asked to take them down until that announcement has been made. Oops 😮

    Oops, do you suppose they will write me and ask me to purge the comment I just left on Lu’s FB page? 😆 😯

    West Words

    No -definitely not purged or in doubt. It seems someone–namely me–jumped the gun an putting those dates up before the those two festivals officially announce their lineups. As a result we were asked to take them down until that announcement has been made. Oops

    Poor Tom, like my momma always said, “No good deed goes unpunished”…

    But we sure do appreciate you letting us know when there is even a hint of news, so that we all can start planning our travels accordingly. BIG THANKS!!! 🙂


    @TOverby wrote:

    No -definitely not purged or in doubt. It seems someone–namely me–jumped the gun an putting those dates up before the those two festivals officially announce their lineups. As a result we were asked to take them down until that announcement has been made. Oops 😮

    Ha ha! The cat’s out of the bag on this Forum, at any rate. Tom, does it look like Toronto will be the tour debut? I’m betting some mid and late Februarys, but as West Words says, always nice to plan ahead.


    It’s so really comical watching and hearing how (concert) announcements are handled here… It’s as if members of this board huddle around Santa waiting for a crumb to fall from his beard. As I have said before, why does it appear to be so difficult to maintain/have an artist’s website? Todd Snider does it. Elvis Costello does it. David Byrne does it. It just make me laugh and wonder at all the whatchamacallits that are reflected here by the driver-of-the-bus.


    I <3 this forum, its members and management, i.e.Tom O. This site works for me...warts, crumbs, and all. I am huge fan of Amos Lee and his site is bare bones with no fan forum. Looks like an independent artist’s website. Much of his communication is done thru his FB page. I roll with it, but that’s me.


    Stoger -To answer your question -I have debated whether I should mention this when it it is still very much up in the air but yes, we are looking into the possibility of a week to ten days of solo shows ala Fayetteville leading up to the Toronto dates.
    Right now we are planning to end the first leg at SXSW on 3/18 and then begin the second leg in mid April and continue thru mid May, which would include those 2 shows that aren’t really happening yet.


    @TOverby wrote:

    we are looking into the possibility of a week to ten days of solo shows ala Fayetteville leading up to the Toronto dates.

    !!!!!!! :mrgreen:



    West Words

    WAY cool!! Fayetteville was incredible! 😀


    Another must on my bucket list…catch solo acoustic Lu show!

    I’m not sure the Jazz Festival gig will work for me as it’s on the other end of our trip, however May is long way off…anything can happen.


    Solo (or duo) shows in the L.A. area sound good to me.


    @TOverby wrote:

    Stoger -To answer your question -I have debated whether I should mention this when it it is still very much up in the air but yes, we are looking into the possibility of a week to ten days of solo shows ala Fayetteville leading up to the Toronto dates.
    Right now we are planning to end the first leg at SXSW on 3/18 and then begin the second leg in mid April and continue thru mid May, which would include those 2 shows that aren’t really happening yet.

    Thanks, Tom: lots of Austin in Lu’s ’11, it would seem. These bread crumbs are most appreciated; call me Hansel, call me Gretel.


    Wow, another thing to look forward to–a few more maybe shows… I will continue checking back as these tiny little secrets continue to be announced all while the world continues to turn… Can’t wait to see ticket prices in light of Toronto’s Helm gigs. And, guitar player line-ups, too… I wonder why Gurf isn’t on the list. Frankly, I’m amazed! It’s not as if he isn’t working with other folks not to mention Bo… Oh well, I guess I should stop making sense and just stand by the side of the road…

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