Lucinda W. is in Pain (3rd recording of CWOAGR)

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records Lucinda W. is in Pain (3rd recording of CWOAGR)

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  • #30397

    Of course we all can Google and search You Tube and maybe this article from the New York Times from 1997 is a repeat post, but it is a great 10 page read on the pains of recording the “final” version of the Grammy winning record.

    Since Lu’s music appeals to all ages, let’s listen to and watch a Mother’s young Daughter’s favorite Lu song from CWOAGR “Can’t Let Go”. ( a very creative video )

    Drunken Angel

    LWj –
    I remember reading that article before. Very, very interesting and informative.

    And that video was great. Thanks for posting it!

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