…Need Pics…

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows …Need Pics…

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  • #30359

    Somebody who was at the Lucinda’s gigs from this summer in the West Coast and took some pics, can please send me some one (less 1MB) for a review in a spanish R’n’R Magazine named Popular1?

    Mostly Ventura, Saratoga, Eugene, Redmond or Portland.

    I’ll be appreciate it so much,

    Thank’s in advance to all who will colaborate in this cause!!!

    Send it to this mail adress please: vicsubi@yahoo.es


    Let me just say: PLEASE send Bigsubi such things, if you are a photographer more than a writer. Or even if you aren’t. PLEASE.


    Why the need for pleads and excessive pleases? Wouldn’t this be a no-brainer for LWs management in terms of having access to right-on pictures? Maybe it is just that difficult…


    Well, David, I am pleading because I wrote the article (at bigsubi’s request) for Popular I; I understand it is now being translated into Spanish. I just thought visuals would augment the article, as is bigsubi’s thinking. I certainly didn’t mean for this to be a dig at Lucinda’s present management team: Self-interest on my part if anything, seeing it in print en espanol, with pics!


    OK, here goes on a few thoughts… Have you shared your article in this forum? I, for one, would enjoy reading it. I apologize if I missed it. Secondly, my initial concern centers around the the idea that fans have to “plead” in a forum such as this for pictures That being said, we live in a digital culture complete with hand-held devices that can capture “digital-quality” images and video, which then can be posted on YouTube for instant access. So ultimately, my interest and quandary centers around the fact that this website continues to lack access and substance in terms of any new and/or relevant vids, pics, sound bits and so forth. It just must be that difficult… Right?

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