Music Monday CWOAGR

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records Music Monday CWOAGR

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    A recent blog (8/23/10) complete with lyrics, a photo essay and a video.
    Rather nicely done by an obvious “Luhead”



    Just did a quick review of all the set lists from the mini tour just concluded.
    Grammy winning Car Wheels was noticebly absent from the lists.


    Good eye LWJ. The reason for this was that Val had to initially learn 40 songs in addition to the new ones-and then learned a few more to accommodate some of the requests while we were out. Lucinda picked the songs and and Car Wheels just didn’t make the cut, basically because there so many other songs already picked from that album. Oddly enough it was only requested on one or two nights, and she almost did acoustically but ended up doing Side Of The Road instead. As a sidebar it was interesting to see what was requested and what wasn’t.


    @TOverby wrote:

    The reason for this was that Val had to initially learn 40 songs in addition to the new ones-and then learned a few more to accommodate some of the requests while we were out. Lucinda picked the songs and and Car Wheels just didn’t make the cut,

    When you consider over 40+ songs from 11 albums, that is amazing. I loved the video WebMASTA did of Doug P. and Val for the “Joy” encore in Ventura.
    All the set lists were great in my books and thought it was very thoughtfull and original of LU to ask for requests from her fans.
    By the way, from your response to Lafayette and I re: the Americana Music Awards, it appears you are a true Vikings fan.
    When you took the time to respond on a Saturday night to my comment about the song CWOAGR, you must have done it during a commercial break re: pre-season Favre’s victory over the Seahawks. Now that’s true blue dedication to this forum.
    Loved the mini tour and look forward to the new album.


    When you took the time to respond on a Saturday night to my comment about the song CWOAGR, you must have done it during a commercial break re: pre-season Favre’s victory over the Seahawks. Now that’s true blue dedication to this forum.

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