Sacramento show, Tuesday, August 24, 2010

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Sacramento show, Tuesday, August 24, 2010

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    This show was August, 2010. Don’t confuse with current 2011 shows.

    This will be a brief report with a setlist. As I type, West Words is preparing her report which will appear soon.

    The Sacramento show was an excellent performance before a very quiet but appreciative audience. I enjoyed sitting with West Words, and comparing notes during the show.

    The day was extremely warm in Sacramento, with the temperature exceeding 100 in the daytime. After the show, it still felt unpleasantly hot, even at 11:30 at night. Fortunately, the theater was comfortably air conditioned.

    Chrissie and friends opened the evening with a very entertaining show, of about an hour (shorter than Ventura). Earlier that afternoon, I had flown on the same Southwest flight from LAX to Sacramento as Chrissie, JP, Patrick, and several of her fans, who had attended the Grammy event on Monday in Los Angeles.

    Lucinda then performed the following setlist:

    1. Tears of Joy
    2. Can’t Let Go (first iteration); Lucinda was dissatisfied with the sound for this song. Eventually, she ended the song prematurely, and apologized to the audience. The song was repeated later at position 16.
    3. Pineola
    4. Jackson
    5. Don’t Know How You’re Livin’
    6. Born To Be Loved
    7. Ventura
    8. Jailhouse Tears, with Val singing the male part
    9. Buttercup
    10. Metal Firecracker
    11. Drunken Angel
    12. Still I Long For Your Kiss
    13. Seeing Black
    14. Come On
    15. Essence
    16. Can’t Let Go (second iteration); much better, with Lucinda playing her silver-toned rock guitar
    17. Honeybee
    18. Righteously
    19. Side of the Road
    20. Unsuffer Me
    21. Joy
    22. West

    West Words

    So now here’s a show report for the mini tour from the female perspective, from someone who has followed and admired Chrissie Hynde for 30 years. Chrissie has sold out giant stadiums, and a lesser woman than Lucinda would have been more than intimidated to share a billing with such a force.

    Both are fierce, real women with the personal power not to need to prove themselves to anyone. They are both mature women, who after decades in the business, continue to grow in leaps and bounds artistically, and who both still seriously rock!

    In talking with the Chrissie Hynde faction, they were duly impressed with Lu and I will grill them tomorrow to learn more of their impressions.

    Fashion – Lu wore her cool glasses, cool gray boots, and a Lynyrd Skynyrd t-shirt (side note – Ronnie Van Zant’s daughter lives next door to my parents)

    Set list –

    1) Tears of Joy

    2) Can’t Let Go (tried re-starting the song, saying it was disjointed, too much bass, way too fast, and that it wasn’t right for the people to pay to hear that, so just dropped it)

    3) Pineola

    4) Jackson

    5) Don’t Know How You’re Living – a beautiful, slow, sad song (Lu referred back to her temporary meltdown and blamed it on the oppressive heat)

    6) Born To Be Loved – slow, bluesy, kind of heavy tune (“another new one, on the new album out in October”)

    7) Ventura (“we’re trying to get in as many of these requests in as possible”)

    8 Jailhouse Tears (“now we’re gonna pick things up a little. Val’s gonna take the part of the bad boy”.) Val did the Elvis Costello punk type accent version, vs. Doug’s countrified accent.

    9) Buttercup – mid-tempo, more of a rocker than the other two new ones played earlier (“this is a good one to follow that one . This is another new one I wrote about that same guy – the only bad boy song on the new album. We got Elvis Costello to come in and play on the new album.”)

    10) Metal Firecracker (by now Lu has long since recovered from the meltdown and has her mojo back)

    11) Drunken Angel

    12) Still I Long For Your Kiss

    13) Seeing Black (“Here’s another new song; I wrote this after Vic Chesnutt took his sweet life. It’s been a rough couple years losing friends. I should just do an album of suicide songs – I’ve got enough of them.”) This sounded kind of like a fast ‘Out of Touch’ in the beginning. This song got a great and strong reaction from the audience, and is my favorite of the new ones I’ve heard so far.

    14) Come On (“this one’s about something else”)

    15) Essence (referring again to the heat issue “There’s an old Texas saying that it’s hotter than two pigs f-ing in a wool blanket… or maybe it was 2 rats… Sorry I have such a sailor’s mouth – it’s from hanging out with all guys”)

    16) Can’t Let Go revisited (Lu ‘couldn’t let go’ of not getting the song right the way she wanted to earlier in the show. She nailed it this time, and smiled big. “Thank you for letting me do that, now I feel better “ – referencing her obsessive compulsive disorder “seriously, I’m not making fun of it”.)

    17) Honey Bee

    18) Righteously

    Lu then thanked the crowd for coming out and supporting the band, especially in light of these tough times. She also thanked JP, Chrissie, and the Fairground Boys, and said that she couldn’t say enough about Chrissie and what a huge influence she was on her.


    19) Side of the Road – beautiful, stark, solo acoustic version

    20) Unsuffer Me

    21) Joy

    22) West

    Awesome show! If you can, get out to see the rest of the shows this week!



    Thanks for the report paul.
    You Tubes from this mini tour seem very few and far between so far.
    Here is #1 Tears of Joy from the Crest just uploaded.


    Thank you, paul and WW.
    Note to Ms. Williams: Come to the heart of NY state and cool off – – we’ll barely hit 70 the next few days. 🙂


    Many thanks from the midwest for the tour reports. Keep ’em coming!


    Here is a review of the show from today’s Sacramento Bee:


    Thanks to Paul and West Words for these detailed reports. I must say, if Lucinda keeps saying “October,” “October” night after night from the stage, folks are going to expect that release month–and I’m not sure that’s as done a deal as is implied. I mean, I hope it’s so. Four tour debuts in Sacramento it would seem (Jackson, Jailhouse Tears, Can’t Let Go, West): nice. I’ve heard many a word applied to Doug Pettibone, but “countrified” is a first–though I see what you mean by contrast with Val and Elvis, West Words! And what’s this, Paul hobknobbing with Chrissie Hynde and the gang on a budget airline flight? It’s good to know CH rides a carrier with no distinction between first class and coach, and I’m betting Paul bestowed his extra free drink coupons on the Fairground Boys and made a little conversation. Yes, those 60-minute sets as opposed to 75-minute ones are more appropriate, though I loved several of the songs we got from the Ventura opener.


    NOTE: This response uses terms based on Southwest Airlines procedures. My apologies to those who don’t quite follow the message.

    Good morning, Stoger. I had no prior knowledge of Chrissie being on the flight, and I made no special effort to obtain an “A” boarding pass. As I was waiting to board the flight, I saw Chrissie, JP, and Patrick approaching the boarding area, carrying their guitars. They apparently had “Business Select” tickets, and quickly moved into the A1-A3 waiting position. Chrissie was huddled into the corner, and was avoiding any outside contact. Patrick seemed more restless, and walked around a bit, and I did approach him, and say hello.

    I had an “A56” boarding pass. As I boarded, I saw Chrissie, JP, and Patrick, sitting in Row 1, again with Chrissie huddled against the window, her eyes avoiding any contact. Since the plane had thru passengers from DAL and ABQ, the aisle seats were almost filled by “A56”, and I ended in Row 21, seat D. The plane was completely full, it was only 1:15 PM, and I was not ready for an alcoholic drink, much less walking to Row 1, and standing where “passengers shall not congregate” near the front lavatory.

    After the flight, I walked down to exit for the traffic island for the Yolobus 42A to Downtown Sacramento. I saw Chrissie, JP, and Patrick, with their guitars, and some managers, and they walked to the traffic island for the Rental Car Shuttle. Slightly different than Lucinda’s bus operation.


    @paul_from_losangeles wrote:

    NOTE: This response uses terms based on Southwest Airlines procedures. My apologies to those who don’t quite follow the message.

    Good morning, Stoger. I had no prior knowledge of Chrissie being on the flight, and I made no special effort to obtain an “A” boarding pass. As I was waiting to board the flight, I saw Chrissie, JP, and Patrick approaching the boarding area, carrying their guitars. They apparently had “Business Select” tickets, and quickly moved into the A1-A3 waiting position. Chrissie was huddled into the corner, and was avoiding any outside contact. Patrick seemed more restless, and walked around a bit, and I did approach him, and say hello.

    I had an “A56” boarding pass. As I boarded, I saw Chrissie, JP, and Patrick, sitting in Row 1, again with Chrissie huddled against the window, her eyes avoiding any contact. Since the plane had thru passengers from DAL and ABQ, the aisle seats were almost filled by “A56”, and I ended in Row 21, seat D. The plane was completely full, it was only 1:15 PM, and I was not ready for an alcoholic drink, much less walking to Row 1, and standing where “passengers shall not congregate” near the front lavatory.

    After the flight, I walked down to exit for the traffic island for the Yolobus 42A to Downtown Sacramento. I saw Chrissie, JP, and Patrick, with their guitars, and some managers, and they walked to the traffic island for the Rental Car Shuttle. Slightly different than Lucinda’s bus operation.

    Ah, Business Select–the budget carrier’s answer to First Class by any other name. Huddled in the corner indeed. But I still hope to purchase Fidelity! today.

    And now, as lwjetta might bid us do, let’s return to the topic of the Lu stream here 😀 🙂


    Thanks for the reports, paul_from_losangeles & West Words – sounds like a “hot” show. Are you going to be in Napa tonight, paul_from_losangeles?

    My response in this thread is a day late due to the lack of (free) Internet at the danged Hyatt Regency resort in Monterey (I refused to pay the $10 fee) where we stayed. No free breakfast either! Yes, stoger, you heard me right – The Hyatt Regency resort. Maybe a locale more fitting our friend paul_from_losangeles than you or me, but we blindly bid for a room while using the free WiFi in a McDonalds between Seaside & Monterey & ended up with the Hyatt room at $100 off (still was pricey for us, but what the hey). Traveling between SF & LA without hotel reservations for the two nights has been an adventure (thank goodness for free WiFi at Starbuck’s & McDonalds). Tonight, we are ensconced in the more moderately priced Holiday Inn Express in Grover Beach (just south of Pismo Beach & San Luis Obispo). Tomorrow, Long Beach here we come!



    A short “highlight video from the Crest just uploaded.

    West Words

    TOverby sent me this hand-written setlist that he wrote out & Lu annotated before the show to post…



    A quote from West Words on this show.

    Fashion – Lu wore her cool glasses, cool gray boots, and a Lynyrd Skynyrd t-shirt (side note – Ronnie Van Zant’s daughter lives next door to my parents)
    End quote.

    I remember Lu wearing a Lynryrd Skynyrd t-shirt on You Tube and then I used the search function to find the above.
    So, what’s this all mean ? Lu’s musical influences.
    I get regular e mail up dates from Wolfgang’s Vault and today was a video from Oakland, CA of Lynyrd from July 1977 that you might enjoy.

    It also means I get to see Lynyrd for FREE on July 26th at the outdoor amphitheatre Artpark in Lewiston, NY (25 minutes from where I live). Artpark was my first Lu concert in 2007 with Charlie Louvin.
    Also Gregg Allman will be there on Sept.7th.


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