Jimmy Webb Sings Praise For Lu

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    Jimmy Webb interview with a “tug at the heart” testimonial regarding Lu.


    Webb is a charming storyteller, too. For the CD booklet, he wrote a couple of hundred words about his experiences with each guest vocalist.

    He explains how he ran into Lucinda Williams in the backroom of Lucy’s El Adobe, a Hollywood restaurant and musicians’ hangout, and how she was persuaded to sit at the piano and sing a song.

    “The voice that poured out of her! … every mile travelled, every love lost, every night spent in a nameless town. In the back of Lucy’s it was one of those perfectly enclosed moments that seemed to last forever.”

    On the album, Webb continues, “she held Galveston close to herself and changed it forever into a song about two real people.”


    she was persuaded to sit at the piano and sing a song.

    which song… maybe galveston?


    It was a birthday party for Jimmy and I was with Lu that night — she definitely wasn’t at the piano because she doesn’t know to play the piano. Jimmy was at the piano and if i recall correctly Lu did borrow a guitar from someone an played one of her sings but I don’t recall which one. The night was really memorable for the fact that there was a very has-been one hit wonder pop singer there who was being very, shall we say, catty towards Lucinda and she was getting close to having none of that but luckily we left before it became an international incident.


    I always love your perspective, TO, shoot straight from the hip. International incident :lol:. Perhaps I should remove that link from Lu’s FB pages, especially if it’s nothing but a fluff piece. I would hope Jimmy meant well, somehow the message got inflated.


    No don’t remove anything –Jimmy is a sweetheart and completely meant well – I’m sure it just got jumbled in the telling of the story. He truly loves Lu, in fact he invited her to come and sing Galveston with him on the Letterman show but unfortunately the schedules didn’t work. It was the other unnamed person that made the night a bit memorable, but it wasn’t that big of a deal -I was just reminded of it from Jimmy’s story.


    I won’t touch a thing. I thought it was, in the words of Lu, a very “sweet” mention of her.

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