FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows LUCINDA TOUR UPDATE

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    I actually don’t have much info on additional upcoming dates other than to say that we are looking at more dates in the NW and W. The holdup is really twofold 1) From a tour routing perspective the NW presents some few more logistical challenges than other regions do 2) We are trying to work it out so the opening act will be another very prominent artist who has a new project/record will be released in Aug. Both Lucinda and the other artist are very excited to tour together on the same bill, but this all came up in the last couple of weeks and we are trying to make it happen. It may end up being only a couple shows in Aug and then possibly more shows in larger markets later in the year. Some of this also depends on when we can deliver the new record to Lost Highway and whether we can get it out in Oct. There are lot of variables to deal with but I think we are getting there. And,no I’m not trying to tease anyone but I hope it is understood that I can’t say who the other artist is until we get some dates locked up.
    In regards to the questions about the ticket prices at the Mountain Winery, the date was originally going to be a Robert Earl Keen show, but then the promoters asked about adding Lucinda to the bill, which we obviously accepted. Any time you have co-bill of know artists it becomes a case of simple economics as both acts have to get paid (this is one of the things that we are figuring out for what I was discussin above). The simplest way I can say it is that the ticket prices at this show were basically dictated by how the show came together and because of that we didn’t really get a say -and yes this is a one time pairing. I can say that the venue is spectacular and intimate and it has been improved with the recent expansion. The views of the bay area from the top of the mountain are breathtaking and it is a bit of a interesting drive up the mountain–especially in tour buses. Lucinda has played here several times, most recently on the West tour and the two that I’ve seen there have been great shows– I remember a great version of Wrap My Head Around That the last time there and it was probably one of last times that was played live.


    @TOverby wrote:

    I remember a great version of Wrap My Head Around That the last time there and it was probably one of last times that was played live.

    OK this is the only You Tube I could find on “Wrap My Head Around That”
    Kind of appropriate with the fireworks (for Memorial /Victoria Day) from the WV State Fair in 2008
    Have a listen to the full over 9 minutes. This must be a record song length for Lu.


    I pine to hear “Wrap” live…I jam to that song all the time. I was listening to “West” on my drive to Cleveland for the Janis Joplin tribute and that song was cranked, for sure.


    I LOVE Lu’s laugh at the end of “Wrap My Head Around That” – so natural & unaffected, so completely Lu… 😉



    Hey TO–Any word on touring musicians as of yet?… Thanks, for the informaiton and your efforts.



    Well- I guess the main news would be that Chet Lyster And Eric Schermerhorn are no longer in the band. Chet has returned to the Eels and Eric was getting a lot of studio work here in LA (and has a couple of young kids) so he didn’t really want to tour for the time being.
    Val -who is going to play on the record may also do the August shows, but as of this moment that remains to be seen. If Val is not able to go out we have a few of names in mind.
    Butch and David are still very much in the band.


    Thanks for the updates. Happy trails to Eric and Chet… thanks for the memories. Glad to hear Butch and David are still on the bus. I heard a guitar player a few years back, thought he was pretty good. I think his name was Doug Pettibone. Enjoy your Summer.


    @TOverby wrote:

    Well- I guess the main news would be that Chet Lyster And Eric Schermerhorn are no longer in the band. .

    @fuji81 wrote:

    Happy trails to Eric and Chet… thanks for the memories.

    Yeah fuji81, I echo your comment-At least I have an autgraphed Buick 6 CD (You know, the one with Lu on the cover wearing specs and duct tape)=Correction, all autographed by Chet, David and Eric-Butch was microwaving a hot dog in the tour bus after the concert.
    Seriously, they are all great musicians and maybe with the changeover in the Band membership, time for a new name.
    I reported under Davidinmaine’s poll on Apr.19/10 that there are at least 4 other bands world wide with the same name as follows:

    Speaking of Buick 6, I have counted at least 5 bands with the same name hailing from LA(Lu’s),the UK,Australia,Austin TX and Winnipeg Manitoba.Perhaps Lu played a big role in the band’s name as she mentioned in the PBS interview by Charlie Rose that Bob Dylan was her favorite artist.
    i.e. Dylan’s recording of “From a Buick 6” Here we go.

    Doug Pettibone hmmmmm.

    Thanks TO for all the recent news, very much appreciated.



    The West and North West!! I am so looking forward. I did pick up tix for Maryoore, but the prospect of more shows with Lucinda headlining and the other “mystery” artist (Susan Tedeschi?!?) has me very excited and curious..

    I can understand the northwest being logistically difficult. But following Lu from Portland to Seattle to Spokane,to Vancouver,BC sounds like a really fun late summer(?) road trip.

    It’s a long way to the top…..

    (and being able to tag along is a blast!…)


    Thanks, for the update, TO. It’s nice to have a finger on the pulse at this point…


    Thanks, Tom, for the scoop. You managed to hide the gender of the “other artist” while at the same time not violating any of the grammatical rules of noun/pronoun agreement–quite a feat, in my book. Once saw Tedeschi and Lu on a kind of one-off co-bill a la this Keen thing–hot as hell in suburban Philly that summer, wasn’t it Rhon? As for the heir to the Pettibone-Schermerhorn lineage, perhaps Grant Lee-Phillips is once again in the mix? Speaking of said lineage, I will see current Fabulous Superlative Kenny Vaughan tonight at Nashville’s 12th & Porter, backing Sara Petite. . .


    Looks as though, Roger, you’re headed to The Billy Block Show. 8:30 p.m. is showtime. I checked their website, it looks like they stream the live shows, but I could be wrong.

    Here’s the link if anyone is interested.

    Give us a wave, Roger. I’ll be tuned into American Idol tonight while you’re at the show there at 12 & Porter, hoping Crystal Bowersox pulls out a winner. Never have I followed someone doing this show as much as I have her. I guess following Lu has opened my eyes to the female artists. Speaking of which, the gender of that opening act, I would bet with a majority that participate in this forum, a female act would achieve a resounding “Yes!” from the friendly fan forum. Me? I say bring on the dudes.

    Ultimately, it’s what makes “mama” happy.


    Sounds like a great night is in store, for sure. I am sending out positive vibes to TN in regards to the recent rain and flooding… Wouldn’t it be nice to see Kenny Vaughan backing LWs with the awesome 12-string green git that is in his collection and he used for the pre-CWOGR tour along with Jim Lauderdale?

    Enjoy the evening,



    Many benefit concerts for flood victims in Nashville these days, yes David. Lafayette, can’t believe your choice in entertainment for the evening: Ha! Yes, Billy Block made a big deal of the show being streamed live, which might be the case every Tuesday. The show will shift from 12th & Porter to a venue called the Tin (Ten?) Something soon. Vaughan worked his magic, though Sara Petite got only seven or so songs in. The appearance of Anne McCue as the lone side[wo]man for Jill King later in the evening was even more welcome. 12th & Porter has gone through a lot of permutations since the days of Allison Moorer recording her DVD there and the likes of Chuck Prophet gracing the main room, but it’s on its way back. Rumor has it it was one of the likeliest clubs for a Lu-spotting when she lived in middle TN.

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