FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records NEW RECORD UPDATE – "BLESSED"

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    I can see that things have been getting a little quieter around here and I guess I’d have to take the blame for that as I’m more than a bit overdue with the updates. The good part of that is that there has been a lot going on–on every front, but let’s start on the new record.
    After a little delay figuring out some logistics etc. it looks like she will begin recording the new record in a little over a week. As mentioned before, she has a bunch of great new songs -songs that she is really excited about and as a result I have never seen her so anxious to get into the studio. One of the reasons she is excited is how great the True Blood song Kiss Like Your Kiss turned out. It is a pretty classic Lucinda ballad and everyone who has heard it is just blown away by her vocal. In fact when Elvis heard it he told me that he thought it was her best recorded vocal ever, and that it was a bit intimidating to try and add his part but he did a great job. They really wanted to try and record it together but schedules wouldn’t allow it. To answer the question above, this is the third studio recording with the two of them and the funny thing was when I met with the True Blood people I took in a couple of the new song demos and then the idea of Lucinda doing a duet with someone came up. Originally they wanted a more raucous rocking song and they brought up Elvis’s name, ironically, without even knowing about the other two duets they had done. But they were very excited about that idea and with Elvis and Lu being such good friends I thought it had a good chance of happening. I called Elvis and he said “is that the show where everybody just goes around biting each other?” He also said that he would do anything for Lu and let’s just work out the details. The TB people then called and said they really liked Kiss Like Your Kiss and could Lu and Elvis do that instead of a cover -and the rest is history.
    Anyway, we did retain the rights to put a different version of KLYK without Elvis on the new record and, judging by how proud of it Lucinda is I think it’s pretty probable it will be on there.
    As I mentioned above she is not only very proud of how KLYK came out but also loved that it all was very spontaneous — it was recorded in an afternoon at the historic Capitol studio. As a result she really wants to try and get that feel for the whole record and we are shooting to have done in less than a month. If we can do that we will still be trying for a late fall release, which is what i’m hoping for.

    Drunken Angel

    Thanks for all the info on this—and the other news as well, Tom. I am way excited for some new material.

    I wonder when Kiss Like Your Kiss will be featured in True Blood. I know the new season starts June 13.

    dr winston oboogie

    As ever Tom, very much appreciate all the news, and I hoover up the infiormation with great aticipation,
    much to look forward to.

    Best wishes to all.


    Anticipation, indeed! 😉



    Woot! Love your updates, TO!


    I believe the soundtrack to True Blood 2 is released on May 25.


    TO…thank you, for throwing us a bone. With a new record on the horizon, surely a new tour is not far behind…? Thank God, for the Neil Young solo show coming to town. That should hold me over for awhile.
    With that being said, to my ears… there is nothing like hearing Lu “bring it” live. Looking forward to new Lu.


    A few ideas re: the NEW RECORD UPDATE post:

    1) Any information regarding the musicians and/or instruments that will be appearing and playing on the album?

    2) Any information regarding other guest appearances that will be happening on the album?

    3) Any ideas/additional information about the tour dates that are showing in terms of the new record and direction of the tour as summer is right around the corner?

    Thanks, for the information and update although I found it a bit cryptic. Perhaps you could share a bit more 411 in terms of what is happening this late spring into summer, yes? David


    David -At the time I did the initial update I provided most of the info I knew –since then a few more things have been confirmed and I can now better answer your questions. As I mentioned in the KLYK thread we just confirmed the dates at Capitol Records Studio B a couple of days ago, and we will begin on June 1 and have schedule that will have us finishing sometime around the last week of June. We had some great per-production meetings this week with Lucinda, the band and Mr. Liljestrand-we were able to have great discussions about all the songs regarding approach, sound, instruments etc.
    Anyway here the answers to your questions:
    1) For the recording of the basic tracks the musicians will be the following:
    Val McCallum -Guitar
    Greg Leisz -Rhythm Guitar
    David Sutton -Bass
    Butch Norton-Drums and microwave hot dogs
    2) We have to wait until the basic track takes shape before we decide who or what else is needed to finish the track, so it is early to say for sure who else might appear. but we do have a short list of names for other people we are thinking about for some of the songs- both additional musicians and singers etc.
    3) I think I answered this in the tour update thread.


    Hello Tom:

    Many thanks, for the information–it’s much appreciated. Val Mcallum is an interesting, straight ahead choice for a rocking studio axeman (minus the deep Americana roots). Interestingly enough, he comes from one of my favorite grill-billy bands, Jackshit, that features Pete Thomas on drums (from EC’s famous backing band, The Attractions) along with The Imposters, Davey Faragher (formely of Cracker) on bass. Sounds like it will be swampy-rocker-meets Dick Curless-tombstone every mile-type record. It will be interesting to see what Greg Leisz brings to the sessions especially in light of his recent production work with Rosie Flores and Dave Alvin let alone his ear for the classics such as The Flying Burrito Brothers along with moderns such as Wilco, Bruce Cockburn, and Paula Cole (she is an awesome performer to see “live” at the edge of a stage). Any word on touring outfits yet? With only two dates showing, are there any dates penciled in for the remainder of the summer?

    Thanks, again, for the 411.



    David –Yes -you are correct in regards to Jack Shit -Lucinda sang with them once a few years ago and we recently went a saw them again and Lucinda was blown away by Val’s playing, What he does with JS is only one side of his playing -he is a terrific player and Lucinda is jazzed about having him on the new record. (I think you would appreciate his great collection-i’ve only seen a few of them but i’ve heard about it).

    Greg Leisz of course appeared on Sweet Old World and usually sits in on pedal steel when Lu plays in LA.
    While a lot of people think of him as a pedal steel player his first instrument his guitar and he is a fantastic rhythm guitar player. The bonus here is that he and Val have played a lot together and they love playing together -should be a great combination.


    We can now add that Don Was has signed on to co-produce Lucinda’s new record. Lucinda is very excited that Don has been able to clear his schedule and will be able to participate in the new recordings. For those not familiar with his history, Don has produced an incredible array of artists and brings an immense amount of experience and perspective to the proceedings. He is probably best known as the producer of all the Rolling Stones records for the last 15+ years, and is fresh off of working with the Stones on the much publicized Exile On Main St. reissue that just came out. He has also produced Bob Dylan, Willie Nelson, Kris Kristofferson and Bonnie Raitt, starting with her big break thru record Nick Of TIme– and as Lafayette probably knows, he produced Amos Lee’s record Last Days At The Lodge.
    Lucinda and Don met at the Neil Young tribute concert and rehearsals during this year’s Grammy ceremonies – Don was the bass player in the house band (now that’s a great gig). They really hit it off and things just kind of progressed from there. Lucinda really wanted him to hear the new songs (now being called the”Kitchen Tapes”) that she has been working on here at the house and Don was just floored by what he heard. At that point he really wanted to be involved, and luckily, he was able to make room in his schedule to be able to do it, and as I mentioned above Lucinda is very thrilled.


    Once again, thanks so much for your updates, TO. I think it’s extremely cool to be included in the, what I consider, more intimate details of the conception of this record,all the way back to you giving Lu the recorder for Christmas, hence the birth of the “Kitchen Tapes,” to beng included through the recording process.

    I am familiar with Don Was as producer of Amos’s last effort as well as his most recent work with the “Exile” reissues. I also remember him playing with the house band at the MusicCares event. I’m happy the dots connected for Lu and he has signed on as co-producer. She just has to be absolutely stoked between him and the recording studio. Good karma all around!

    I found some Don Was videotaped interviews for an online music production clinic.

    I assume Lu hits the studio next week from your previous updates. Sending good vibes her way!


    Yes –we start on Tues, as believe i’ve mentioned elsewhere. She is rarin’ to go -and she is indeed very thrilled that all the pieces have come together the way they have.
    Actually everybody involved is really excited, there is a very positive energy with all of this right now. I think everyone knows this could be a very special record.


    Also wanted add to my post from above that Greg Leisz also played on Car Wheels. When I hooked up with him a few days ago to give him the new songs he was heading the next day to play on that new Amos Lee record that seems to keep coming up here. Small world. Hmmm.

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