David’s Poll

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  • #30182

    For those of you who encouraged a poll, here are the Fruits of My Labor.


    davidinmaine, I hope your poll receives a better turn out than my 2 feeble attempts.
    There are definitely some good points listed in your poll, some of which I alluded to in my new post under web-site suggestions.
    Would be nice to bring back some of the artists you have listed for a “Blast from the Past” but not sure if it’s doeable.
    I’m all for a different band opening for the next tour, although there probably is a sound economic reason for Buick 6 opening. Speaking of Buick 6, I have counted at least 5 bands with the same name hailing from LA(Lu’s),the UK,Australia,Austin TX and Winnipeg Manitoba.Perhaps Lu played a big role in the band’s name as she mentioned in the PBS interview by Charlie Rose that Bob Dylan was her favorite artist.
    i.e. Dylan’s recording of “From a Buick 6” Here we go.
    “Squeeze Box” Yeah, I like this idea from the Who’s song, bring back Randy Leago as per the attached vid. from ACL 1998-“Still I long for Your Kiss”
    Let’s also listen to the Who.
    I have now voted.


    OK, so let’s interpret the stats.

    100% of posters want streaming music.
    50% of posters would like to see Gurf play w/LWs and see someone else besides Buick 6 opening and regular website updates.
    75% want to see new photographs, streaming videos, fan-only tickets and a regular squeezebox player.
    And finally, 25% feel that Sharp Cutting Wings is their favorite song and would like to see LWs play with Bo and Greg,

    It is important to remember that the majority of people visiting this site are LWs fanatics, which slants/skews the data set. However, I find that these are interesting results especially given the fact that fans are voting versus a more representative population sample.


    David, for the sake of clarity, I think maybe you should be more specific & say “xxx% of poll respondents“, not “xxx% of posters“…

    Which may be very well what you meant by “posters”, but I thought that I would point that out since there were only eight “poll respondents” (using your 100% figure from the first poll option) and we have many, many more “posters”, generally speaking, in this forum. Granted, of that large population of posters, far fewer post regularly, but considerably more than that “lurk” (i.e., stop in to read posts w/o posting themselves) – I know that because, as moderator, I check in here many times each & every day & I see them listed under “WHO IS ONLINE” on the main forum index page, and they often do not post.

    Not trying to take away from your poll or its results in any way here – just (hopefully) helping put things in the proper perspective…



    Statistics are like a bikini–You can hide or show whatever you like. This small pool of stats is the strongest poll that has been produced to-date and can be spun in many different directions. What’s more, it is fairly clear in terms of what type of traffic this web forum has seen in the past few months. My poll was simply written with clear questions and issues that I have been raising here. No need to “defend” the results in either direction. The results are what they are; interesting nonetheless.


    @tntracy wrote:

    David, for the sake of clarity, I think maybe you should be more specific & say “xxx% of poll respondents“, not “xxx% of posters“…

    Which may be very well what you meant by “posters”, but I thought that I would point that out since there were only eight “poll respondents”

    @DavidinMaine wrote:

    This small pool of stats is the strongest poll that has been produced to-date

    David, I know your poll still has a few more days to run, but define “strongest”.
    My feeble attempt at a poll entitled “2010 Poll on Lucinda’s Records” drew twenty poll respondents.( You could only vote for one selection in mine)

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