Two of Us

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records Two of Us

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    Here’s McCartney’s song “Two of Us” as played by “The Blue Polka Dots”
    Sung by Hank and Becky Mae.
    I should have started a new Lu trivia question on this one. ( but then it’s a give away on the link.)
    Lucinda and I came up with the idea of starting a duo called the Black Polka Dots (not to be confused with the White Stripes) We were going to open up for Lucinda at her concerts with full disguises wig hats new alter egos and every thang and just play cover songs that we loved.

    Enjoy the tune.
    Click on the arrow under share to play Two of Us. After you click on the title to see the words to the song, you then have to back arrow to the previous page in order to play the song. ( confusing? )


    Lu also sings on the closing track, “She Belongs To Me.” I have a copy of this CD that Doug autographed for me after a Lu show in Ventura, CA.

    Where did that quote about the Black Polka Dots come from, LWJ?



    @tntracy wrote:

    Lu also sings on the closing track, “She Belongs To Me.” I have a copy of this CD that Doug autographed for me after a Lu show in Ventura, CA.

    Where did that quote about the Black Polka Dots come from, LWJ?

    When you click on the song title you get what I pasted above.
    Are you now asking me to Google “Black Polka Dots”?
    That’s a nice souvenir to have from Doug.

    I also listened to “She Belongs to me” from the same link.Sure sounds like Becky Mae singing to me.


    @LWjetta wrote:

    Are you now asking me to Google “Black Polka Dots”?

    No, not at all. I already did that to first try & figure out where that quote came from. I should have known better – way too many hits…


    Drunken Angel

    Those songs are great!
    Thanks for posting that link.


    I’ve wondered if “Black Polka Dots” was a play on “The White Stripes”.

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