Lucinda and the Love Band 2002

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    Found this excellent blog of a couple that followed Lucinda in July, 2002.
    They went to 5 Lu concerts in a 2 week period covering Pittsburg, Central Park NYC,Oyster Bay, NY, Philadelphia and Towson MD.
    You can click on the home page to visit all 5 separately, read their comments and see some very high quality photos.
    In their dialogue, they talk about meeting several people from Lucinda’s Message Board ( some names might be familiar to this Forum ), Flappy the “tech”, Lu’s new tatoo which is emblazoned on drummer Jim Christie’s drum set. see the photo. One concert from Towson had a double encore and the song”Minneapolis” was introduced.

    Also in a couple of their reports are nice caractures of Lu.

    Here is the link to their blog ( by Keith Bergendoff )



    Great stuff! I guess it figures Roger was there. 😉


    Good find, LWJ – thanks!

    Even though that is from nearly 8 years ago (and therefore must be referring to a previous incarnation of this message board as this one’s earliest registered users are from late Summer / early Autumn 2006), I do indeed recognize (& have met) two of the people mentioned on the first page you linked to – Roger & Rhonda. I don’t know the others; however, I am a relative newcomer, having not been active in any previous forums and not registering here until September of 2007. I imagine others here may recognize the rest of the folks, though…



    @tntracy wrote:

    do indeed recognize (& have met) two of the people mentioned on the first page you linked to – Roger & Rhonda. I don’t know the others;

    Roger = Stoger Correct?

    Re: The “Love Band”, here is a link to Rockmount Ranch Wear in Denver, CO.
    A photo of the band with the statement that they were Dwight Yoakam’s band before.
    Did this also include Doug P. or what was he up to pre-2002?


    Doug is in the picture. I think he joined in mid-2001.


    @tonyg wrote:

    Doug is in the picture. I think he joined in mid-2001.

    Just a clarification.
    I meant-Which band did Doug P. play with prior to this Love Band photo. Dwight Yoakam’s ?


    This blog was a great find. Love the stories and the pics of LU.


    LW, I know Doug played with Jewel prior to LW. I don’t know if it was immediately prior.


    @tonyg wrote:

    LW, I know Doug played with Jewel prior to LW. I don’t know if it was immediately prior.

    Thanks tonyg.
    The trouble with this Friendly Forum is that it leads one to more and more great music.
    I had never heard of singer / poet Jewel from Alaska before.
    Now you have me You Tubeing again.
    Also, I found out Doug P. also played for Tracy Chapman before Lu and Jewel.



    @LWjetta wrote:

    Re: The “Love Band”, here is a link to Rockmount Ranch Wear in Denver, CO.

    Anyone scroll thru the list of celebrities / singers on the Rockmount Ranch Wear site?
    All kinds of people with their photos wearing Rockmount shirts, etc. such as Jay Leno, Rick Nelson, Elvis, Henry Kissenger, etc……..

    Why wasn’t our Lu in the photo of the Love Band sporting Western garb ?
    I thought she loved to shop.



    @LWjetta wrote:

    Thanks tonyg.
    The trouble with this Friendly Forum is that it leads one to more and more great music.
    I had never heard of singer / poet Jewel from Alaska before.
    Now you have me You Tubeing again.
    Also, I found out Doug P. also played for Tracy Chapman before Lu and Jewel.

    Here is Jewel Kilcher singing “Deep Water” from Woodstock 1999 with Doug P.
    What a performance.



    Another great find. I saw Jewel in 1996, opening for Neil Young and Oasis in Toronto. Can’t say I’m a big fan. I remember she yodeled. Doug looked underworked there. 😛


    @tonyg wrote:

    Another great find. I saw Jewel in 1996, opening for Neil Young and Oasis in Toronto. Can’t say I’m a big fan.

    I really like her 2006 release Goodbye Alice In Wonderland – worth checking out, IMHO (one caveat here, it is a bit more “pop” than what is normally discussed here, but I like some – not a lot – “pop” music, so…)

    Back to Lu, thanks for posting that photo, LWJ – being a post-2002 Lu discoverer, I did not realize Lu’s tattoo one time was on Jim Christie’s drum set…



    @tntracy wrote:

    really like her 2006 release Goodbye Alice In Wonderland – worth checking out, IMHO (one caveat here, it is a bit more “pop” than what is normally discussed here, but I like some – not a lot – “pop” music, so…)

    Back to Lu, thanks for posting that photo, LWJ – being a post-2002 Lu discoverer, I did not realize Lu’s tattoo one time was on Jim Christie’s drum set…

    Re: Jewel-I rent DVD’s at my local library for $0.50 each-What a deal. Also you can borrow CD’s for free for up to three weeks. Found “Goodbye Alice in Wonderland” and tnt you are so right-Loved “Satellite” and “Last Dance Rodeo”. It was very tempting to burn a copy, but it’s not in my constitution.

    Re: Love Band-Here is a nice video of Lu singing “Drunken Angel” in April, 2003 at the Austin Music Hall-You can spot a Lost Highway sign in the background. I think this was during the SXSW Festival.


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