2010 Tour?

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows 2010 Tour?

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    Has anyone heard anything about a tour next year?


    Nothing yet…


    dr winston oboogie

    Hurry back to Scotland LU…and stay a while..


    Is she supposed to be recording a new album soon? I had heard rumors, but nothing definite.


    @ParkerCA wrote:

    Is she supposed to be recording a new album soon? I had heard rumors, but nothing definite.

    Yes, Tom O. told me in NYC she plans on being in the studio this fall / winter to record some new material – hence, no new tour dates this fall. That’s about all he said regarding that (other than that she was “anxious” to get back in the studio – apparently she is excited about the new stuff she has ready to record) – no time frames, etc…



    Very cool. I can’t wait.


    2010 Tour?… LU.. you are very welcome in Hamburg next year!!.. Come On’


    There will be no shows in the US for the immediate future. The additional anniversary shows that were possibly going to happen in Feb. on the west coast will not be happening. Lucinda is very excited about moving on to the next record and really wants to hunker down and finish all the songs that she has started.
    The goal is to have a new record out by this time next year, but we’ll see what happens.
    There may be shows in the second part of the year,possibly in Europe, but that is extremely tenative at this point.Given that several of the songs on West and Little Honey were written at the smae time and the fact Lucinda has played probably 250+ shows over the last three years the end of the this years tour marks the end of a chapter. I think 2010 is the beginning of the next one and it is a good time to recharge the batteries and write some new songs and make a great new record. As I said above Lucinda has bits and pieces of several new songs that she has been starting over the last couple of years and she is very excited to be able to catch and sit down and finish the next batch of songs. She has been telling me for the last couple of months. As she put it “I can feel it- I can feel when they are ready to come out. I just need a chance to sit down and let them all come out”. I’m not going to stand in the way of that.


    @TOverby wrote:

    I’m not going to stand in the way of that.

    Great! Can’t wait to hear more about the new material.

    Thanks for the update, Tom…


    dr winston oboogie

    Thanks for the update Tom, always appreciated, look forward to the new somgs/album as always.
    but even more looking forward to welcoming you both back in Bonnie Scotland soon I hope.

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