"The Pageant" Show Review

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    Pictures to follow at some point…


    Pics, or should I say “a pic”, has been added, with a note promising more. But check out the comments at the end of the article; more particularly, the comment by “Annie Zaleski” who posted a forwarded message from a Spanish fan (“Beatle Bob”) who wanted to attend one of the October NYC shows & who related his problems dealing with Live Nation & some subsequent communication with Tom O. regarding same. Good stuff that shows why Lu’s fans love Tom as much as we love Lu! 😉


    P.S. I was at that March Atlanta show Tom mentions in his reply to “Bob” and can attest firsthand how screwed up it was at will call. Not only was the computer mix-up an issue, but there was this guy behind the will call window (in the interest of full disclosure, undoubtedly a venue employee as opposed to a Live Nation one) who was making it even worse by copping a major ‘tude towards those of who were waiting for our tickets, etc. Remember, stoger? 🙄


    @tntracy wrote:

    Pics, or should I say “a pic”, has been added, with a note promising more

    Now they have added a slide show of 29 pics including 3 of our favorite merchandise lady, Susannah.



    Nice! A written review plus a setlist plus multiple photos from the show! I wish every show had such coverage! Way to go, Riverfront Times!



    another great show by Lucinda and her band.


    @tntracy wrote:

    Pics, or should I say “a pic”, has been added, with a note promising more. But check out the comments at the end of the article; more particularly, the comment by “Annie Zaleski” who posted a forwarded message from a Spanish fan (“Beatle Bob”) who wanted to attend one of the October NYC shows & who related his problems dealing with Live Nation & some subsequent communication with Tom O. regarding same. Good stuff that shows why Lu’s fans love Tom as much as we love Lu! 😉


    P.S. I was at that March Atlanta show Tom mentions in his reply to “Bob” and can attest firsthand how screwed up it was at will call. Not only was the computer mix-up an issue, but there was this guy behind the will call window (in the interest of full disclosure, undoubtedly a venue employee as opposed to a Live Nation one) who was making it even worse by copping a major ‘tude towards those of who were waiting for our tickets, etc. Remember, stoger? 🙄

    Yes, I remember, tn Tracy–though let me clarify one thing from this stream: Beatle Bob is undeniably NOT a Spanish fan. The guy’s thoroughly middle America, despite his haircut and alliterative moniker. One seems him at Midwestern shows and music fests galore, and maybe a bit beyond, but I don’t think he’s been spotted on the Iberian Peninsula.

    As for over 10% of the slide show being comprised by Susannah, allow me to turn from the verbal to the visual, right now.


    Thanks for the clarification, stoger. I really have no clue one way or the other, never having met the gentleman. I was just passing on what the comments poster seemed to be saying (maybe I misinterpreted?)…



    @stoger wrote:

    Yes, I remember, tn Tracy–though let me clarify one thing from this stream: Beatle Bob is undeniably NOT a Spanish fan. The guy’s thoroughly middle America, despite his haircut and alliterative moniker. One seems him at Midwestern shows and music fests galore, and maybe a bit beyond, but I don’t think he’s been spotted on the Iberian Peninsula.

    That is too funny. Beatle Bob lives in St. Louis. He seems to be ubiquitous but I am unaware of any foreign appearances.


    Saw the Pageant show Sat eve. I thought it was flat and missing something right out of the box. What happened to Doug Pettibone?


    @freestoneangler wrote:

    What happened to Doug Pettibone?

    He left last February


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