Chicago Night #2 (Wednesday)

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Chicago Night #2 (Wednesday)

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    The second night in Chicago attracted a much larger audience than night #1. Consequently, the tables were removed from the dance floor, creating a large standing area for Lucinda’s fans. Also, the balcony was opened, creating additional sections of angled bars, chairs, and stools. I enjoyed re-uniting with Stoger and Lafayette, and meeting Lafayette’s brother, and our new friend Janet.

    The setlist:

    1. Memphis Pearl
    2. Little Angel, Little Brother
    3. Sweet Old World
    4. Pineola
    5. Drunken Angel
    6. Right In Time
    7. Metal Firecracker
    8. Greenville
    9. Lake Charles
    10. I Lost It
    11. Can’t Let Go
    12. I Envy the Wind
    13. Lonely Girls
    14. Steal Your Love
    15. Blue
    16. Out Of Touch
    17. Essence

    (end first set)
    (start second set)

    18. Righteously
    19. Are You Down?
    20. Hard Time Killing Floor Blues
    21. Get Right With God
    22. I Live My Life
    23. HoneyBee
    24. Joy

    (encore set)

    25. Angel
    26. It’s A Long Way…

    I will pass the baton to Stoger for night #3. Good night…


    We’d make a decent 440-relay team, Paul, as I’ll take up that baton and supplement you a bit here tonight, then run the lead leg on the third night. Thanks to Lafayette and her brother John for giving us rides back to our respective hotels, me first, but my decision to grab some breakfast food prior to the computer lets me riff off your mainly accurate setlist with some addenda and one errata. Though the setlist our “new friend” Janet plucked off the stage does say “Hard Time Killing Floor Blues,” it was in fact “Disgusted” which got played 20th. Those Chicago references got the crowd going even more. I suppose technically the format was violated tonight, in that two songs from Essence were done in the second, or encore, set–the album revisited, as it were, after six from it were done in the 30th anniversary format of the main set. But why get legalistic about it; both rocked. Little Angel, Little Bro & Lake Charles featured Chet and David only. Elaborate crew intros were done by Lu early in the set. “Metal Firecracker” featured a story about the days Lu shared a bus with the band and an incident where the toilet seat was left up “one too many times.” “Steal Your Love” had a false start, and after “Blue,” Lu pronounced it to be a better song than “Steal,” adding “they can’t all be masterpieces.” After “Out of Touch,” she said, “I need to go somewhere and write me some more of these rock songs.” This seemed at odds with earlier in the evening, when Lu spoke favorably of the ballads and the opportunity to play them for audiences like ours. “I envy the wind” had Lu tipping her hat to Lila Downs (sp?), who recorded it in Spanish and English. It seemed a bit up and down of a night moodwise for Lu, but a rousing show all in all. Disco Stu, where art thou?


    Oh man, now that is a setlist I would have loved to have been there to hear / see. “Greenville”, “Lake Charles”, “Lonely Girls”, “I Envy The Wind”, “Blue”, “Are You Down”. Heaven, pure heaven.

    Thanks for the setlist / reports, y’all.

    Lafayette, you up yet? 😈 😆



    Was a glorious night. She sounded great, and so did the band. And what an amazing setlist! I’d never heard “Memphis Pearl” or “Little Angel, Little Brother” performed live. Two of my favorite songs. And I always love that killer live performance of “I Envy the Wind.” The way she delivers it vocally, and the arrangement of the band is amazing. The room was silent. Amazing stuff.


    @spencecb wrote:

    The room was silent.

    Yay!!!! :mrgreen: 😉



    I’m going to tonight’s Chicago finale. Are cameras allowed?


    @salukidave wrote:

    I’m going to tonight’s Chicago finale. Are cameras allowed?

    I’m pretty sure the official response is no, and especially none with a flash. Just think how distracting that would be when you are performing onstage to see camera flashes from the audience.

    I did take some video with my iPhone last night, but that is not distracting as there is no flash.


    @tntracy wrote:

    Oh man, now that is a setlist I would have loved to have been there to hear / see. “Greenville”, “Lake Charles”, “Lonely Girls”, “I Envy The Wind”, “Blue”, “Are You Down”. Heaven, pure heaven.

    Thanks for the setlist / reports, y’all.

    Lafayette, you up yet? 😈 😆


    I was up, on the road, rather early, TNT. It was a quick in, quick out trip for me.

    An amazing setlist, no? I, too, noticed the silence in the room as Lu weaved her magic. A few girls were chatting, during “Greenville,” I believe, and were shushed by another patron.

    My brother enjoyed the show, was mesmerized by “Angel.”

    I purchased some merch from Susannah with an “h.” All proceeds last night benefitted autism.

    Unfortunately, little time spent with Stoger & Paul. I think Stoger and I communicated more via text 😉


    Another review from Night #1. My brother actually gave me the hard copy this morning from the paper. Features a large B & W photo of the full band (with Lu) as well as an inset photo of Lu.,0,5225996.story


    @Lafayette wrote:

    I was up, on the road, rather early, TNT.

    Mea culpa, L – no offense intended! In fact, I am a big believer in sleeping late! 😆


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