Shepherd’s Bush – Monday 27 July

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Shepherd’s Bush – Monday 27 July

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  • #29892
    Matt Banks

    Sorry, no set list, perhaps somebody can post one later!

    Just some random thoughts about the show.

    First off, Buick 6 – they’ve certainly got some chops!! Great sound, loved the Zep tribute in their set. They certainly give Lucinda a rockier, punchier vibe, not much room for the more reflective elements of her catalogue (Lake Charles anyone?)

    Talking of Lu – she didn’t really seem to be enjoying herself until about half way through her set. After the first two numbers she went into a mini-rant about people using their mobile phones to take pictures of her, and how much of a distraction it was. OK, must be the “artisitic temperament” and we’re all entitled to get pissed off once in a while, but doesn’t this stuff come with the territory?

    Caused a couple of false starts to subsequent numbers later on, as well. But once she realised, and was reminded, that she was amongst friends, Lu seemed to relax and gave (IMHO) the best vocal performance I’ve heard from her (although I’m a relative newbie, this being about the 6th or 7th time I’ve seen her in the UK).

    All in all, a great night, she rocked the house (look out Cambridge!!)


    1 Real Love
    2 Right in Time
    3 I Lost It
    4 Car Wheels on a Gravel Road [before which Lu complains about being on “the red carpet” on stage, what with all the flashes of light, noting she’s “distracted” by the cameras: “this isn’t a fucking fashion show”]
    5 Fruits of My Labor [with a little smile beforehand]
    6 Blue [before which Lu denounces technology and urges the fans to just enjoy the show and tell people about it later: “I feel like I’m in a fishbowl up here”–she says she can’t get comfortable and also bemoans the rail/barrier between stage and standing first row, though it can’t be more than a few inches]
    7 Side of the Road [with Chet]
    8 Tears of Joy
    9 Pineola
    10 Drunken Angel
    11 Out of Touch
    12 Changed the Locks
    13 REal Live Bleeding
    14 Essence
    15 Come On
    16 Honeybee
    [in front of the band intros, Lu assures us she has a sense of humour and says LA, NYC, and London are the three places she gets nervous, because “the legends” tend to show up]
    17 Joy
    18 Righteously
    19 Get Right With God
    20 It’s a Long Way to the Top [during which the already standing patrons stand taller]

    I guess the legendary Ray Davies of the Kinks didn’t show, or didn’t want to perform with Lu; I believe that Lu is due to record with him in London today.

    I agree with the previous post pretty much and will sign off for now. Reckon Charlie Louvin will show?



    I wonder if Ray Davies had turned up,if he would have brought the Crouch End chorus with him….there’s a thought….



    Thank you for the most brilliant gig. Don’t be nervous about playing London. Everybody had been looking forward to seeing you and loved your performance.

    Tim Westcott

    I recall Lucinda complaining about cameras and getting mildly hysterical at the London shows in 2006. She admitted she was nervous on those dates and said the same this time round, but it took her longer to relax on this gig. Her voice was probably in better shape at this gig than 2006 but I have to say I thought the show lacked the subtlety that Doug Pettibone provided. Not only is Doug a phenomanal guitarist – he can rock with the very best – he also understands the importance of space; ie when not to play. Buick 6 certainly helped Lucinda rock and after about half a dozen songs it was pretty much heads down rock n roll all the way! And I really enjoyed it. But I missed Doug, especially on the slower numbers, which were fewer than the last time she played London.


    It was an absolute treat to see her live and I was standing at the front about two metres from her. The downside was that although I saw her, I didn’t really hear her. The vocals were projected into the auditorium and those lucky enough to be at the front of the stage couldn’t hear her.

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