Where’s Doug?

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Where’s Doug?

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  • #29829

    Love Lucinda and enjoyed June 10 show in Covington, KY (Cincinnati), but disappointed to have Doug Pettibone missing in action. I told several guitarist friends they should go to hear him play. Did we miss some news about his absence? Some explanation would’ve been appreciated.


    It was announced, as was his replacement, here in this forum.



    Doug left Lucinda before the February tour after eight years as her right hand man. A huge loss in my opinion.


    Thanks for the info, Tom. As I posted on the board announcing the news:

    “I hadn’t kept up with the band news and was surprised, and disappointed, to discover Doug missing from Buick 6 at last night’s show (June 10 ’09) in Covington, Ky (Cincinnati). I’d told several guitarist friends they had to get out and experience Pettibone live. Nothing against Chet and Eric. The Buick 6 opener was the most energetic segment of the evening. But others are right: Pettibone is in a class of his own, and he gave Lucinda’s performances the edgy, raw and bluesy energy that takes the audience — and in turn, Lucinda — to different heights. His solos on “Out of Touch,” for example, are stunning. Lucinda was emotionally flat last night. She sang “Righteously” like a ballad, for heaven’s sake. On “Hard Way to the Top,” like many others, she seemed to be just going through the motions…phoning it in. Love her and her artistry, but I won’t be rushing out to see her again, not with this show in mind.”

    To this I’ll add that the more I think it over, the fact that Buick 6’s opener was the most energetic part of the evening says much. The Madison Theatre was packed, good vibe in club-like atmosphere, shoulder-to-shoulder throng on floor in front of stage, and Lucinda seemed to be in a fog on many tunes (“Unsuffer Me” and “Pineola” being a couple exceptions). I’ve never seen her have to read her lyrics so much as she played, which becomes a distraction and makes it difficult for a singer to fully engage in singing. Maybe just an off night for her…as we know, life on the road has its ups and downs.


    Ahh, yes, the live performance controversy continuum continues–from the camp that states LWs live performances are super-awesome to hmmm, something seems to be awry. But one has to be careful speaking to the continuum in such a way on this friendly little forum because such talk can be turned on its ear in a quick and ugly fashion. Some posters try and squash such reviews swiftly and without regard to honest, pertinent, and accurate reflections… After all, isn’t there an ongoing history of such performances? And isn’t that what makes LWs so wonderful and a true American treasure?


    The person that reviewed this show tends to disagree with you. Rave review.



    Not so sure where rave comes into play with this review. Conventional and bland come to mind, which is reflected throughout the article vis-a-vis filler-type language along with small, quippy paragraphs. Predictable and “matter of fact,” really, complete with a thread-bear observation regarding a Lynyrd Skynyrd-t-shirt-clad LWs…

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