The Cincinnati Enquirer Is Publishing A Preview

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    … and contacted me via email (my name was given to them through WNKU 89.7). Apparently, a preview article is being written for the Madison Theater show in Covington and they are wanting to interview, give a fan’s perspective on Lu and her music. I’m not sure if the material I provided will be used but I’ll post a link once the preview is published.


    On your way to the top of the media world, CB, don’t forget us little folks here at the Friendly Forum!

    Looking forward to reading the article. Will you work in twitter & tweeting somehow? 😉


    Where is that (insert emoticon rolling on the floor ) when you need it most?

    I almost let this reviewer know I would be a – tweeting about the preview but thought better about it. No need to let him know I’m over the top just yet. 😆


    Yes, please post a link once you have one, Lafayette…



    @Lafayette wrote:

    … and contacted me via email (my name was given to them through WNKU 89.7). Apparently, a preview article is being written for the Madison Theater show in Covington and they are wanting to interview, give a fan’s perspective on Lu and her music. I’m not sure if the material I provided will be used but I’ll post a link once the preview is published.

    You go, girl. Isn’t Cincy one of those towns we keep hearing about which has lost a second (rival) daily newspaper of late? There was once a Post, no? At any rate, preview away–looking forward.


    someone here pays attention to the printed word? yay!
    my husband has worked for The Daily News here in Los Angeles since 1980 but his last day is June 6 as they’re shutting it down……..supposedly……they’re farming the work out to other papers for now.
    we anticipate that they may “sell” the paper and then re-open without union pressman and lesser paid/part timers without insurance types……..if they don’t fold.
    The Denver Post is owned by the same media group, so who knows how long they have left as well.

    looking forward to reading your preview Lafayette!



    Yes, Roger, you are correct, the Cincinnati Post is no longer, they were a Northern Ky. afternoon edition, I believe. Actually, The Cincinnati Enquirer, Lisa, went through some downsizing last fall, offering early retirements and silver bullets. Jim Borgman, Pulitzer winning cartoonist for the paper, took advantage of the offer. I miss his commentary through his artwork, it was the best. The paper has since condensed it’s features to remain competitive and I hope they make it. Even though I read many things online, there’s something about picking up the paper and reading it with a cup of coffee (and, back in the day, a clove cigarette as well!) We have our paper delivered, and every Christmas I send our carrier a thank you and a tip for a service well provided. Our paper is here every day, with hardly a missed day. Once, she happened to miss a day and sent an apology note in the paper the following day, her car was stuck in the snow and she had to be towed. It’s a service provided that is going by the wayside as well.

    Anyway, I’m digressing 😉 I really like this reporter’s style of writing. The following link is a recent article he wrote. As a matter of fact, I was over at the studio this particular day that Dave Alvin was in, hanging Lu poster’s around campus. I would bet it was fresh in the afternoon host’s mind, as he saw me taping them up, when he was contacted looking for Lu fans. The article also talks about King’s Records, home of James Brown. It’s a great read.

    I think this reporter will write a wonderful personal piece about Lu from what is written here. Bill also did an awesome feature (and I never realized it at the time until I googled his name ;-), on Miriam Sturm, Mellencamp’s violin player, last year when they were in town with Lu. Miriam grew up in the Cincinnati area and it ran front page in the entertainment section.



    I always like reading what you write and hearing what you do locally to promote Lucinda’s appearances in Cincinnati. AKA Covington. thanks so much.



    Published in the A & E section of Sunday’s “The Cincinnati Enquirer” on D1, as in front page of entertainment section, bottom page.


    @Lafayette wrote:

    Published in the A & E section of Sunday’s “The Cincinnati Enquirer” on D1, as in front page of entertainment section, bottom page.

    Wow, some extensive quoting of you, Lafayette. Niiiiiiiice!!!!! :mrgreen:



    @tntracy wrote:

    Wow, some extensive quoting of you, Lafayette. Niiiiiiiice!!!!! :mrgreen:


    Yeah, pretty cool. He even used my contribution as the headline. Even better!

    In my email to this writer, I shared the story of having a shirt made for Lu and watching from afar (as I waited outside the gates for an autograph) as it was hand delivered to her at a show in Columbus. His reply to me was this, which I thought was very touching.

    “I have a feeling that Lucinda really likes that shirt, she seems like the genuine


    Very nice, CB.


    LW played with keyboard player Ray Manzarek during her 5 night thing? I saw her play with guitarist Robbie Krieger. Otherwise a good article.

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