
FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Bonnaroo

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    I am going to get to see Lucinda for the third time this month at Bonnaroo and I am now even more excited after the Tucson and Phoenix shows. What I was wondering is do most/any people think that a Lucinda/Elvis Costello collabiration is going to happen and if so will it happen during Lu or Elvis’ set? See you at the farm if you are going and lets hope for sme Jailhouse Tears (and Can’t Let Go). Less than a week to go. 😀


    I hope you hear your duet. Love hearing you’re looking forward to Bonnaroo after going to two recent shows!

    concert junkie

    I was totally unfamiliar with Lucinda prior to her being on the Bonnaroo lineup. After listening to a few songs I was hooked instantly. Now I am like a kid in a candy store checking here for set lists. I am so excited to see her live show at Bonaroo. Also went and got me a ticket to the show in Covington Kentucky the night before I leave for Roo. I could definetly see Elvis Costello and her performing together. That is the spirit of the Roo.


    @concert junkie wrote:

    I was totally unfamiliar with Lucinda prior to her being on the Bonnaroo lineup. After listening to a few songs I was hooked instantly.

    Welcome to our little cult… 😈



    @concert junkie wrote:

    I was totally unfamiliar with Lucinda prior to her being on the Bonnaroo lineup. After listening to a few songs I was hooked instantly. Now I am like a kid in a candy store checking here for set lists. I am so excited to see her live show at Bonaroo. Also went and got me a ticket to the show in Covington Kentucky the night before I leave for Roo. I could definetly see Elvis Costello and her performing together. That is the spirit of the Roo.

    Are you from Cincinnati area? There will be quite a few fans at this show from this friendly forum. BTW…preview article on the show published in ” The Cincinnati Enquirer” in today’s (Sunday edition) on D1. Yep, Lu’s preview article ran in Sunday’s edition!


    Found this preview on the Bonnaroo show on, where else…twitter.

    Editor’s note: This is a guest preview from contributor Lance Conzett, a Nashville-based photographer and music writer who also edits the Belmont Vision. Lance can be reached via his website,, or via email at

    Growing up in Nashville means that you fall in one of two camps—either you really dig country music, or you’re so burnt out on it by the time you’re 16, the very thought of Garth Brooks makes you hang your head in profound sadness. If you were a teenager in the 90s, you knew exactly where you stood in the good ol’ boy country vs. rebellious rock & roll culture war when KDF switched formats from alternative rock to country in 1999. I’m guessing that most of you out there were pissed—I know I was. Rattling around in my sullen teenage brain was a vague feeling of betrayal and I held a grudge against country artists for years, instead opting to embrace Nashville’s local non-country music scene and wind up at shows at The Muse where bands set things on fire.

    But, we’ve all got to grow up eventually. My first flirtations with the twangy side weren’t groundbreaking, I suspect just about everyone winds up buying a Johnny Cash record eventually but it isn’t necessarily all downhill from there. There are a few artists out there that finally made me say, “You know what? This isn’t all that bad after all.” Lucinda Williams was my gateway drug to country music.

    There’s something very refreshing about the sincerity laced in Williams’ songs. She has conquered a style of music and lyricism that uniquely subverts what’s expected from a contemporary country artist. She sounds unpolished, but only because the country-pop artists surrounding her are so over-polished that they’re blinding. In actuality, her songs are tightly produced and driven by a deceptive sense of perfectionism. The results are country songs that aren’t afraid to be different. 1998’s Car Wheels on a Gravel Road is as good a starting point for Williams as you could ever get, it’s a breakthrough opus that took 6 years of quiet tinkering before it finally was released to near universal acclaim. Although “Can’t Let Go” has been used all over the place to sell cars, “Joy” is more representative of Williams’ sound. She may be down-and-out, but she’ll kick your ass if she wants to.

    For the longest time, it seemed like Williams’ best songs would only come from that downbeat attitude. World Without Tears was a musically adventurous album—for better or for worse—but it was defined by feelings of destitution. The vinyl release caps the whole sadsack affair with a rendition of the Tom Waits tune “Hang Down Your Head,” which sounds like it was sung from the bottom of a well. It’s a fine album, with some exceptions like the downright annoying “American Dreams,” but it’s a thoroughly sad record.

    Five years after World Without Tears, Williams released an album that defied the stereotype. Little Honey is a happier album, made with support from her fiancĂ© and recorded with a kind of vigor that was absent from that five year-old sadfest. It’s also much more of a country/rock album, especially on the opening track “Real Love” which trades in the bitterness of “you took my joy and I want it back” for “I found the love I’ve been looking for.” A somewhat silly guest appearance by Elvis Costello on “Jailhouse Tears” harkens back to the old days, but even a song about a couple separated by prison walls isn’t enough to bring the record down.

    The song that stands out the most out of all of them, though, is “Little Rock Star,” a song that takes a shot at rock stardom and how sacrificing your values aren’t worth it. It all comes back to the biting sincerity and brutal truth that makes her songs so appealing, no matter what your feelings about the country music establishment are.

    “Little Rock Star”

    Lucinda Williams will play This Tent on Friday from 6:45-8:15 p.m. Check out the full Bonnaroo schedule on the official Bonnaroo website.

    concert junkie

    @Lafayette wrote:

    @concert junkie wrote:

    I was totally unfamiliar with Lucinda prior to her being on the Bonnaroo lineup. After listening to a few songs I was hooked instantly. Now I am like a kid in a candy store checking here for set lists. I am so excited to see her live show at Bonaroo. Also went and got me a ticket to the show in Covington Kentucky the night before I leave for Roo. I could definetly see Elvis Costello and her performing together. That is the spirit of the Roo.

    Are you from Cincinnati area? There will be quite a few fans at this show from this friendly forum. BTW…preview article on the show published in ” The Cincinnati Enquirer” in today’s (Sunday edition) on D1. Yep, Lu’s preview article ran in Sunday’s edition!

    Yeah I live in Batavia.


    @concert junkie wrote:

    Yeah I live in Batavia.

    Cool. Represent! BTW, welcome to the forum! Very cool you’ve become a fan by listening to her on the Bonnarro site. Do you listen to WNKU 89.7? They spin Lu a lot. Also, check out some interviews if you’re into that kind of thing. Here are a few NPR ones. (A 2 hour 16 minute live concert recording)

    I’ll be rocking a “Peace, love, revolution” shirt in line if you want to say “hey.”


    Anyone know what time Lu will be playing UK (GMT) time? I tried working this out but this got me kind of flummoxed as to whether it was -5 or -6 hours.


    Manchester, Tennessee is located in the United States Central Time Zone, and observes Daylight Savings Time, enabling the acronym CDT for Central Daylight Time. CDT is 6 hours behind British Summer Time (BST), and 5 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

    If Lu plays as scheduled from 6:45-8:15 PM CDT on Friday night, June 12, then the time in the UK will be 12:45-2:15 AM BST, early Saturday morning, June 13.


    Thanks for that info, Paul. A bit too late/early for me, though.


    Jon Pareles’s (NY Times) quick Bonnaroo blog bit on Lucinda’s performance:

    What to do when your catalog is full of sad songs but your life has turned happier? Flip the lyrics. Lucinda Williams had songs from her new album about a loving romance, but she still wanted to sing “Joy,” with its complaint, “You took my joy” and all the places she plans to search for it. Search over: “Now I found my joy,” she sang with determined vehemence.

    Hopefully we’ll hear a little more than this from concert junkie & baconus.


    i think you can listen live to Lu at Bonnaroo … here


    had a hual last night and missed the world.
    anybody got a setlist or impression of the show/webcast?
    any videos anywhere?


    Photo gallery of Lu and band at Bonnaroo. She looked great, complete with cowboy hat and skirt. I also saw on twitter she apparently did a backstage type interview along side Justin Townes Earle, from a picture posted on twitterpic.

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