FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows 30th ANNIVERSARY

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    The special Chicago shows that were previously mentioned as a possibility are not now happening in June and may happen on the last leg of this years tour in Sept/Oct. We decided to hold off on Chicago, because 2009 marks Lucinda’s 30th Anniversary as a recording artist–and we are going to try and do some special things around that, and I didn’t want to jump the gun in June. The main focus will be some special shows -possibly multiple nights in some cities, or another run of album shows in one city. We are discussing a few ideas including one night of semi-acoustic and one night electric. Or possibly each night representing a different decade of her career. It’s all being talked about and as always your thoughts/ideas are welcome.


    Like the ‘one decade each night’ concept!


    Cool. The album shows were fantastic and I’m sure would work well, although they obviously wouldn’t be new and man, they’d be tough to top. I like the “decades” approach, kind of a different spin on the albums idea (and you can get special guests associated with that decade, etc).

    A slight variation on the acoustic/electric idea would be to do two sets, an opening acoustic set…intermission…roaring electric set. Personally, I’d miss the electric component in an acoustic format and vice versa.

    Whatever you guys come up with will be worthwhile, I’m sure! Hate to be greedy, since you do seem to play NJ and NY quite a bit, but once you work through Chi town make sure you come on back for these shows.


    Great idea and what a terrific opportunity for listeners to hear and see LWs music from another perspective. It really sounds like an awesome way to think differently and thanks, for your efforts and time. And perhaps most importantly, what a terrific way to help LWs celebrate 30-years.

    That being said, a few years back Elvis Costello performed his classic My Aim is True with the original players (Clover) at San Fransisco’s Great American Music Hall more information here –> http://www.gamh.com/artist_pages/elvis_costello_clover_110807.htm. I am really confident that you have already thought about this but perhaps it’s worth mentioning in this thread: Would it be possible and/or realistic to have some of the original players for a few shows (Mickey White, Donald Lindley, Benmont Tench, Gurf Morlix, John Ciambotti, Jim Keltner etc)? My apologies if there are any missteps in terms of these players. However, I think it would be quite nice to see a few really different yet insightful line-ups for a few shows…


    Disappointing news about Chicago, Tom (would have tied in nicely after Louisville & Columbia, MO), but understandable given your reasoning. Thanks for the update.

    Can you verify if the Columbia, MO show will be the last of the tour prior to y’all departing for Europe? I am trying to decide if we will still travel to that show & the Louisville show…



    P.S. All the ideas sound exciting I’d attend any / all if possible. Don’t forget Atlanta & how great the crowd was in the Tabernacle when it comes to scheduling special, multi-night stands! 😉


    I haven’t made a comment on here in quite some time, I usually just browse through and read other members comments, but this one is too important for me to pass up.

    Please, please, please make one of the special nights here in Chicago. I’ve only seen Lu once since living here, saw her back in the Fall when she played at the Riviera. It was a wonderful night, and she put on one of the better shows I’ve seen her do.

    Chicago would be an excellent place, since it is more centralized and would give fans a chance to come here instead of traveling to the East or West Coast. Not to mention there are many locals who adore Lu, and wouldn’t have to travel at all!

    On a side not, I’d like to become more vocal here, as opposed to just reading, and would love to even meet some of the regulars. I always enjoy reading your posts, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I’ve stood by one or two of you at one of her shows before.


    Disco Stu

    Thanks very much for the update. Those special shows sound very interesting…I only hope they don’t end up being over the weekend of October 10th, because I’ll be getting married then! 🙂


    Well 30 years in the industry….how time flies! After 2 nights in a row in Sydney, I want another 30, because that means she may make it back here at least once!

    So daydreaming, if I was promoting Lu’s 30 years in the industry, I’d look at one special event, DVD, night of nights. OK or maybe 3 nights, cause the woman loves to rock.

    Bring in her fave songwriters and players, see if you can get Neil and Bob and Tom! I argued last night she ranks up there with them as a songwriter.

    And then throw in people who have covered her songs and peoples songs she has covered.

    Get her a big cake Tom and give her a kiss for me.

    And just so you know if Lucinda ever gets some time for some press….I’d love to chat or do an email interview….pbusch@cisco.com and I write for http://www.fasterlouder.com.au and http://www.tommagazine.com.au

    Enjoy the rest of the Easter parade…


    @Disco Stu wrote:

    Thanks very much for the update. Those special shows sound very interesting…I only hope they don’t end up being over the weekend of October 10th, because I’ll be getting married then! 🙂

    They say the Windy City makes a likely honeymoon spot–superior to Green Bay, I should think, at least…

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