Canberra Setlist

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Canberra Setlist

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    From Lucinda’s actual setlist. Just got home 2.5 hour drive its 2 am so excuse any typo’s

    I Just Want To See You
    Happy Woman Blues
    Cant Let Go
    Circles & X’s
    Well Well Well
    Drunken Angel
    Side Of The Road
    People Talkin
    Real Love
    Tears Of Joy
    Changed The Locks
    Bleeding Fingers
    Come On
    Honey Bee

    Passionate Kisses (Solo)
    Still I Long For Your Kiss
    Its A Long Way to The Top


    Looks like a good show – thanks for posting…



    We Yanks salute you, Skipper! Thanks for checking in. My,my,my – – always nice to see “Well,Well,Well” in the mix.

    Ronny Zamora

    I will be very happy with that set-list when Lucinda ‘hits’ Manchester (UK) – alway like to hear ‘Fruits…..’ tho’.

    Thanks for posting!


    My [sailin’] hat’s off to you, Skipper. I’m not surprised that “Still I Long For Your kiss” is back in , in light of Duane Jarvis’ untimely death this past week. I’m wondering if Lucinda commented beforehand. But even more, I’m wondering if Eric Schermerhorn matched his blistering “Tears of Joy” blues solo on “Still.” Looks like the encore was different, the main set much the same as Aussie Night One. Was Canberra the third show of tour? Did we get a setlist for second gig? Shouldn’t have to rely on the manager to post same. . . Still, thanks for this stream of lists and comments.


    Just a couple of points about the show last night, Lucinda restarted the first 2 songs and appeared slightly angry with the way the songs were played, some of it her fault.

    She was also very unhappy with Butch’s performance during “I Still Long For Your Kiss”.

    Otherwise it was a great show. Only a small theatre with around 600-800 people there, I was in the front row, right in front of Lucinda. It was my first time at one of her concerts, I had tickets for the 2004 shows that were cancelled.

    Being a Dylan fan and after seeing Neil Young, Leonard Chen (twice) and Lucinda already this year, I really wonder why Bob persists with his current sub-standard band. These other performers have surrounded themselves with great bands. Bob should do the same.


    I think Bob does have a pretty good band, Skipper – – he just needs to let them cut loose a little, especially Donnie Herron! I think they’re all on a tight leash.

    Getting back on track, thanks for the additional comments. Wonder if Lu & crew are jet-lagged…


    I have just got back to Perth after attending Lucinda’s Canberra gig. As Skipper has said, it was a great show after a bit of a shaky start.

    One small critique however. I didn’t feel as if Buick 6 connected with the audience during the warm up set. A simple ‘Hi there’ or some eye contact from the band would have built some rapport with the crowd. Their set felt a bit like a live sound check.

    A great gig though.


    oh i agree with you Lefty, especially about Donnie Herron. Isn’t he great?
    They are not allowed to stray one note! which is really frustrating for any musician.
    (tony garnier must be crazy? ha)

    hope lucinda is enjoying herself down under
    (seeing leonard cohen next week for my first time, i can barely wait!!!)


    Hey all,

    Just got in to work and feeling a bit bummed about it, I was extremely tempted to get on a plane to Sydney last night for the next shows rather than come home but..

    The set list has already been posted by skipper, but here’s my two cents’ worth:

    Canberra Theatre looked to be about three quarters full, someone told me capacity was 1500 so if that’s accurate then I reckon there were between 800 and a thousand people were there. Good turn out for Canberra as it’s nowhere near as big a city as Melbourne or Sydney. I was a bit surprised that there seemed to be quite a lot of over 50 and 60’s in the audience. A lot of them took off during the Buick6 warmup set and came back clutching earplugs! Butch was certainly channelling Jon Bonham!

    As mentioned in this thread there were a couple of false starts in Just Wanted and Happy Woman before the band got their groove on and a stuff-up in Still I Long For Your Kiss, where it seemed that the band launched into a verse and Lucinda was ready to sing the bridge but hey you get that when you see REAL musicians in action ..

    Overall it totally kicked! Like many others who missed out when Lucinda had to cancel shows a few years back I was just so grateful for the opportunity to see her here in Australia. Highlights for me were: Pineola in the first clutch of songs; the whole second section – especially the beautiful harmonies and standup bass on Jackson; the new songs really fired up particularly Real Love and Honey Bee and Chet and Eric were on fire and did a hot dual solo on (I think!) Righteously; Lucinda came out for the encore and did Passionate Kisses solo, then showed off her 12 bar guitar chops in Disgusted. She talked about Duane Jarvis’ untimely passing when intro’ing Still I Long and then they finished up with the Acca Dacca cover.

    It was a fantastic show and Lucinda seemed genuinely glad to be here, she sounds like she is really enjoying the Australian tour.

    Here are a couple of links that you may be interested in:,25197,25264689-16947,00.html



    Nice report, Ali – thanks!



    One small critique however. I didn’t feel as if Buick 6 connected with the audience during the warm up set. A simple ‘Hi there’ or some eye contact from the band would have built some rapport with the crowd. Their set felt a bit like a live sound check.

    That was pretty much my reaction when I saw them in Austin, Texas. The band sounded like Buick 8 and played a great warmup set, but as a total performance it had an oddly detached quality that I have to wonder whether they really intended.



    Great show. Buick6 were all great muso’s even though I agree they did not really connect during their warm up. Loved the lyrics and her distinctive voice, and the way she talked about her songs. Joy was the song of the night for me. That and Changed The Locks and Disgusted, esp the first bluesy half. She did not do I Lost It (seems like she almost did during her tribute to Duane Jarvis, I Still Long For Your Kiss) and I was waiting for Lake Charles with that wonderful town name, Nagadoches – but that’s OK. Two hours twenty minutes of terrific music. I’m glad she made it to Canberra this time.

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