Paramount Center For The Arts, Peekskill, NY SOLD OUT!

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Paramount Center For The Arts, Peekskill, NY SOLD OUT!

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  • #29712

    That’s right, SOLD OUT!


    Good news – thanks for posting this…



    60th anniversary of the Peekskill Riots

    Kathy Gillis

    Third time’s the charm, I think. I saw Lucinda at Town Hall in NYC for the recording of “Goodbye Cruel World” –a great show in October 2007 — and at Roseland Ballroom in NYC a few years before that. The show last night at the Paramount was beautiful. Lucinda’s voice was the best ever — confident, clear, strong, hitting all the notes. I wonder if being a few miles out of the NYC spotlight helped with the relaxed feeling. It may have been too relaxed for Lucinda, though, and I was surprised people weren’t standing and dancing until she urged them to come up front. Loved hearing the new songs, especially “Well, Well, Well”, and older ones too. “Side of the Road” was unbelievable. Vocals were gorgeous, and the simple guitar arrangement perfect. The “Ode to Billie Joe” cover in the encores was great — but I think “Pineola” is an even better version of this kind of story. I am so glad to have been able to see this show in my neighborhood at the beautiful small theater. Thanks for making the trip with Buick 6!


    “Well Well Well” on the list? My my my. Perhaps if Metro North was not on strike, “paul_from_losangeles” can add to this with a complete setlist.


    she appeared tentative at the start. mentioned later that it had taken 3 songs to shake out the hall acoustics, and that she’d add 3 on as a thanks for indulgence — a generous gesture, above and beyond. still, the mix remained a bit off, with her voice coming on stronger than perhaps she wanted. later still, when a soft slow number came around, she unhappily shut it down — it wasn’t working out for her. she remarked sadly about the gaping void between stage & audience, strongly enthused but seated up till then. apparitions of doubt & vulnerability swirled about briefly as the performers huddled…. and then, with little hesitation and roaring vocal support, the crowd responded to her appeal, abandoning their seats & rolling forward steadily towards her and the band, filling in the void, cheering her on. for no additional service charge, and amid the commotion and bright lights, shimmering fragility had risen up, cast about for direction, teetered on a high wire, and then sailed off gracefully into welcoming outstretched arms.


    @scrugs wrote:

    and then, with little hesitation and roaring vocal support, the crowd responded to her appeal, abandoning their seats & rolling forward steadily towards her and the band, filling in the void, cheering her on.

    Ah, yes. The same thing that happened last year in Nashville at Veteran’s War Memorial Auditorium. And the difference was like night and day. The energy level shot through the roof after the crowd got up & went to the stage…



    Whatever the comments and whatevers, that was a show I have been waiting to see for like ten years. I saw her perform at Jones Beach with Tom Petty and after then ran out and bought 2 CD’s. I have been listening and loving every lyric and note,and actually my littlest daughter walks around and loves to sing Car Wheels…To see her and that AMAZING band no matter what the slight imperfections actually made the show, to me, better and down to earth and sweet and FUN.. just like I would picture her and her band to be in person. Can not wait to see them all again..Thanks making me and my husbands evening a great one!!


    First time seeing Lucinda and the Buick 6. Awesome!

    The band had me at the first twang. When Lu came on stage I was more than ready to rock …….. and I did; the whole night through.

    Y’all come back and visit soon ……. ya hear!


    Fabulous show!!! Thank you Lucinda for inviting us up. I was right at the stage. I also like the new hair. While we missed Doug, Eric was excellent as well. Y’all come back to Northern Westchester soon.

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