Brunette Once More: Lucinda Does Dallas

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  • #29674

    1 Can’t Let Go
    2 Circles & X’s [with Sutton and Lyster on choral vocals]
    3 Crescent City
    4 Pineola
    5 Drunken Angel [with Chet Lyster providing the harmonica]
    6 Sharp Cutting Wings [no foolin’–Lu says Connor (Bright Eyes) has been doing it live, then says “we haven’t done this one in 30 years,” then “we” becomes I as the band leaves the stage: I swear, it’s enough to make David in Maine return to the live circuit, maybe just maybe]
    7 Side of the Road [with Chet and Chet only]
    8 Everything Has Changed
    9 Something About What Happens When We Talk [drumless, with Butch Norton to front of stage, providing back-up vocals]
    10 I lost It
    11 Right in Time
    12 Real Love
    13 Tears of Joy
    14 Out of Touch
    15 Real Live Bleeding Fingers & Broken Guitar Strings
    16 Joy
    17 Honeybee
    18 Righteously
    19 Hendrix cover, for Steve [“Angel. . .”]
    20 Little Rock Star
    21 Faces cover [“Every Picture Tells a Story”]
    22 It’s a Long Way to the Top. . . .

    On the road again. His name is Eric Shumerholm [approximate, phonetic spelling] and he’ll more than do.(formerly with Iggy Pop) Lu gave a shout-out to Pettibone (“Doug’s fine; he’s out with Ray Lamontagne right now”), but the new band rocked, no doubt. Nick is back as a guitar tech, Wolfie gone. There’s a new soundman, James having joined Journey on tour. Kevin has been upgraded to “production manager,” or some such title; I think he’s in the sound booth during show now, rather than the wings. The fleet is still at three–but it’s two buses and a truck now, swear to God. I chatted with the bus drivers after, and the one from Mississippi has eleven people on board (including the new merch person, female), though he quickly added, “or maybe it’s just ten.” The sense of it was: you better be on board and ready to go, as no one’s counting off before pulling out. This has enabled tour manager Jim Runge to rejoin the “lead” bus, with Tom and Lu. The truck driver seems to be by his lonesome in his. Buick 6 played 25-30 minutes only, Chet managing two syllables at the end (“Thank you”); this is still a band very much in search of a frontman. But they were superb, though no Neil Young covers. This was a pretty fine tour debut–hope others will add comments.

    Austin ho. . .


    Always good to get your take on things, stoger. Thanks for checking in.
    Wonder if Erika Wennerstrom will be at the Austin show…


    Thanks for the write-up. I’m in Boston but I will be headed to New Orleans next week and have a ticket to see her at the House of Blues Mon. night – can’t wait!
    The Eric you mention on guitar also played a bit with David Bowie and Tin Machine so yeah – he’s no slouch.


    Wow, Stoger–no kidding–Sharp Cutting Wings ( Song to a Poet), Side of the Road, and SAWHWWT along with a mix other old and new! Amazing setlist, really. And LWs mixing the arrangements up with the band seems really off-the-hook, too. Sounds like a terrific show and it looks like a road trip might certainly be in order for this New England based critic… Thanks, much, for the informative review and I look forward to your thoughts on Austin. It’s nice that the home town girl sold-out La Zona Rosa and the vibe should be nothing short of outstanding. I am sure that there will be a special guest or three as well. Glad Conor O has adopted SCWs as a live number. Love to get my hands on a recording of that. Safe travels. David


    Thx for the great post Stoger. Excellent set list. I am happy to hear LW gave a nod to Doug.


    Nice setlist… I’ll take those first ten songs to open a show anytime! I am officially excited about this tour.


    Thanks for the report and the setlist (heck of a nice one). When I heard about Doug I was a bit down, but sure looks like it might have led to a nice little revamp of the band’s approach.

    Looking forward to that Keswick-Wellmont double shot in two weeks.


    Did Buick 6 do any of our suggestions in their set? What did I win?

    A review of the Dallas show says her hair was “jet black”. True? ❓


    Well, I prefer the more ambiguous “brunette,” but yes, I’d say “black” if not “jet.” She listed three new things at one point between songs: new guitarist, new hair color, and new suit (Chet, in fine threads). Love to see a link to that Dallas review, Tony: the weekly paper had a nice preview/interview piece, and The Austin Chronicle (by Margaret ________ forgot her name, but she’s an old pal of Lu’s) has a two-page formal interview.

    Lefty, is the frontwoman of the Heartless Bastards in Austin, likely to attend? Randy Weeks got a sidebar in the Chronicle piece and will no doubt be there, first song again with him in mind maybe.

    David, is La Zona Rosa sold out? Last I heard, that one was lagging a bit in sales. Must try to get there early then. . .


    Quasi review, along with some very, very dark pics:


    That’s the review.


    Thanks for the review / setlist, stoger – sounds like a good show. I’m looking forward to B’ham & Atlanta.



    @stoger wrote:

    …Lefty, is the frontwoman of the Heartless Bastards in Austin, likely to attend?…

    Pure conjecture on my part, stoger. Erika moved to Austin several months ago, and the HBs have a brief break from touring right now. Would be nice to hear that Erika was in attendance. As the Bobster would put it, “If you see her, say hello.”



    thanks very much for posting the setlist and review.

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