Best Of 2008

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  • #29616

    Now that we are about to close out another year, which is hard to believe, I thought it would be great to see everyone’s “best of’s” and more for 2008. In the interest of making it a little different from those we all see in the magazines I added some other categories:

    1) 10 Best Records of 2008
    2) Best Reissue of 2008
    3) Musical Discovery of 2008 (Doesn’t have to be something released in 2008-It could be an artist,song,cd dvd etc.)
    4) Best show of 2008
    5) Best musical moment of 2008 (can be from a show or a record etc.)
    6) Best movie of 2008
    7) Best book of 2008
    8) Random thoughts on 2008
    9) What would you like to see in 2009?

    Happy New Year,


    That’s a lot to think about. I have 2 musical discoveries for 2008, Hayes Carll and the Dedringers. I had no idea who they were when I saw them, but became a big fan instantly. I would put James McMurtry on the same list.

    I didn’t go to enough shows or movies or read enough books in 2008 to make a list. I liked all of the shows I went to. I’m still pissed that Neil cancelled the LA show.

    My random thought for 2008 is that is has been a terrible 8 years. It can only get better. Let’s hope it does.


    My Favorite “Albums” of 2008
    1. “Mudcrutch” by Mudcrutch
    2. “She Ain’t Me by Carrie Rodriguez
    3. “Trouble In Mind” by Hayes Carll
    4. “Little Honey” by Lucinda Williams
    5. “All I Intended To Be” by Emmylou Harris
    6. “Steps To Heaven” by Charlie Louvin

    Best Show of 2008:
    Lucinda Williams at The Orpheum Theatre; Boston, MA 10/8/08
    Everyone seemed to be clicking on all cylinders this night. I had to bob & weave; and duck a number of punches, but this show was well worth it. Why not come back on March 11 or 12?


    Best show: Pieta Brown opening for Ani Difranco in Buffalo at Babeville (her restored church and HQ) last Nov. (the day before seeing David Byrne play U-Buff Arts Center didn’t suck either!)
    Best musicial moment: Zappa Plays Zappa at Hampton Beach this past summer “He Used to Cut the Grass” and other Joe’s Garage pieces.
    Best album (and a very good concert as well): Old Crow Medicine Show “Tennessee Pusher.”
    Best new artist: Rupa and the April Fishes
    Best website and interactive band: Wilco at
    What I am looking forward to in 2009: Seeing M. Ward at the Somerville Theater in Feb–also his new album.
    Best reissue: The Name of the Band is Talking Heads from Talking Heads. Classic, really, changed a lot of what music is today…arguably speaking of course.


    1) Little Honey, Dylan’s bootleg vol 8
    2) Van Morrison’s A Night in San Francisco remastered (from 94?)
    3) Ry Cooder dvd video of Santa Cruz show in 87 (found a boot!)
    4) Brian Wilson in Santa Barbara, Lobero Theater, in September
    5) the set of beach boys songs Brian W and band did for the first hour of his show, s w e e e t !
    6) WallyE (animated movie)
    7) a Freewheelin’ good time by Suze Rotolo, very interesting.
    8) glad the election is over
    9) Lucinda, come to Oklahoma in 09!


    Random thoughts on 2008: I think that George Bush was one of the “most unqualified” presidents in U.S. history. But then again, I am not an historian. It’s true that we have not suffered another terrorist attack during his administration — I think that is the only positive achievement of his Presidency but it is praiseworthy, for sure.
    So this aging semi-ex-hippy, who is a huge fan of LW, totally agrees with Williams words at the end of the Filmore record — “peace, LOVE and revolution”.


    OK Tom, Lucinda wins in all categories so I’ll exclude her here. I probably won’t be too popular in this forum, but this is what I liked in 2008.

    1) Best Records – Just listing the bands, you should know the albums
    Sheryl Crow
    Jack Johnson
    2) Best reissue – REM Murmur – Awesome album then, sounds even better now
    3) Musical discovery – Gemma Hayes – The Roads Don’t Love You (2005) – Tom if you want to hear a masterfully produced album listen to this one
    4) Best show – Eagles – I bought great seats for my wife’s birthday it was increadible
    5) Best musical moment – When my high school friends I drug to the concert heard Buick 6 play White Kitty and Cinnamon Girl, and loved the band.
    6) Best movie – Eastwood in Gran Torino – he never died before. I think it’ his last movie. O wait is that 09?
    7) Best book – That I read – Team of Rivals – Doris Kearns Goodwin – Another inexperienced Illinois politician. Oh wait – he founded the Republican Party.
    Random thoughts – This financial crisis has fundamentaly “reset” business as we know it in the US and the world
    2009 – I want to see Robinella in Knoxville when I’m down that way this summer


    Interesting post. Thanks!


    Lots to think about but I would like to share my musical discovery of the year.
    Ryan Montbleau.
    If you have a minute check this out …then download Patience on Friday….

    ps. Ottawa loves Lucinda!


    @pcblue wrote:

    Lots to think about but I would like to share my musical discovery of the year.
    Ryan Montbleau.
    If you have a minute check this out …then download Patience on Friday….

    Me likey! Thanks for posting the link… :mrgreen:


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