Maybe IJ can answer this. does itunes “Little Honey” download the album in a different order than the album.
My track listing is:
1. IF Wishes Were Horses
2. Knowing
3. Jailhouse Tears
4. Real Love
5. Circles and X’s
6. Tears of Joy
7. Little Rock Star
8. Honey Bee
9. Well, Well, Well
10. Heaven Blues
11. Rarity
12. Plan to Marry
13. It’s a long way to the top
That’s odd. I downloaded the UK iTunes version and it has the same order as the CD (as shown on Amazon.) Perhaps only the US iTunes version is different.
iTunes sucks anyway. They offer most of their stuff at lower bit rates (128) and I assume they still have their digital rights management on much of their stuff. Screw that.
I rarely buy downloads, but when I do, it’s from Amazon. Everything i’ve seen has been 256 and once you buy it you can play it whatever computer you want. Much better.