New Haven Euphoria

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    Ahhh…just starting to come down from the high of last night’s show (no chemicals involved, just great music!). Is it me or did everyone experience the same warm, euphoric evening that I did? Lu was delightfully receptive and chatty, she looked fantastic, and Buick 6 really opened up and set the tone for the night. One regret was that I still have not heard her play “Side of the Road,” a favorite, but I loved the WHOLE set. I wish we had the chance to all go to a haunted house together – that would have been fun! My husband would keep Lucinda safe – he loves her! haha! (He’s kissed her cheek, too!) Everyone had fun singing Happy Birthday to Tom (thanks to me – I started it!) 😉 Oh – and…the poor girl, who thought Doug was Tom and embarrassed herself in front of so many – she didn’t know!

    On another note – Lu did really great not looking at her songbook much. She did some, but we could tell she didn’t really need it. Probably more the fear of needing it and not having it than really needing it at all. I liked the new, old-style country duet she and Dougie did – that kicked serious ass! They were so silly!

    Isn’t it weird how so many peoples’ happiness has been at the expense (sort of) of Lucinda’s happiness? I mean, her misery is pretty damn beautiful. I don’t like it that she had hard, sad, tough times (because I love her and want to protect her!), but the result is beautiful music…that makes SO many people SO happy.

    I think Doug recognized me and my husband. We’ve met him a few times and my husband got his picture taken w/Doug in Lowell after the show. I swear he smiled and nodded at me! LOL! My husband gave him a standing ovation (well, more like a: wass up, wass up?!)

    The whole evening was wonderful. I wanted to run onstage and hug and kiss everyone! Thanks to all for sharing the night with me. MUahhh to Lu and the guys. I need a cigarette. (I don’t smoke!..LOL)

    Mike in CT

    Man, in my opinion Doug and Buick 6 just keep getting better and better.
    Doug absolutely blows the doors off the joint every time I see him play.
    I really appreciate how much effort he puts out for every show.
    Lucinda and Doug (and all of us for that matter!) are lucky to have each other!



    I had fun too!

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