Wow! I dig the new site!

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda in general Wow! I dig the new site!

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  • #29412

    Much better than the last…


    Yup, well done. Someone who cares has put this together – it’s well presented and full of info. (What am I doing wrong that I can’t get these smilies to work!)


    Great new look to the site but I have one niggle – I keep getting a message saying that I don’t have cookies enabled when I try to access the Store page. 😯

    Anyone else getting this? Is it cos I drive a Mac?


    It could be, phil. I’m on a PC at the moment and was able to access the store. Will try later on a Mac.


    I don’t think it is because you have a mac. I have one and it came up fine.


    @ParkerCA wrote:

    I don’t think it is because you have a mac. I have one and it came up fine.

    Same here. What browser are you using, Phil?

    Regarding the new site. I like very much what I’ve seem so far – still gave some exploring to do. The main page is very visually appealing. And I love the new forum look. The old one was getting a bit stale…



    I have tried both Safari and Firefox with the same result. Odd.

    And I have cookies enabled on both browsers.


    Great site. Looks like someone has been busy. Good work.


    @Philthy wrote:

    I have tried both Safari and Firefox with the same result. Odd.

    And I have cookies enabled on both browsers.

    That is odd – I’ve tried in on my Mac (OS X 10.5.5) using both Firefox (v3.0.1) & Safari (v3.1.2) w/o any problems…


    sam lowry

    Anyone know whats happened to the live shows that you could buy on the old site.


    @sam lowry wrote:

    Anyone know whats happened to the live shows that you could buy on the old site.

    They are still there but very hard to find! You need to click on the album cover on the Home page – immediately under the Little Honey pic. It would be nice if there was a more obvious link (hint.)

    btw – Can somebody that owns both sets of recordings please recommend which of NYC and LA is the better buy?


    i listen to the los angeles shows more then the new york shows (mostly for greg leisz the last two nights). i don’t think it’s because i was there, i just prefer them.
    it’s a real shame that the second sets aren’t being released (maybe the second sets could be released on dvd instead of cds??? or a compilation of the best of all five night’s second sets/all the special guests…chuck prophet/mike cambell/shelby lynne, ann hart….etc)
    we have the roughtrade re-release w/the dvd from the last night at the el rey to look forward to…….i guess that will have to suffice (besides audience recordings that are traded)

    sam lowry

    @Philthy wrote:

    @sam lowry wrote:

    Anyone know whats happened to the live shows that you could buy on the old site.

    They are still there but very hard to find! You need to click on the album cover on the Home page – immediately under the Little Honey pic. It would be nice if there was a more obvious link (hint.)

    btw – Can somebody that owns both sets of recordings please recommend which of NYC and LA is the better buy?



    I own both sets. I find myself listening to the LA shows more often. The recordings of the LA shows are solid.


    Thanks Stella and Parker – I have ordered the LA set. Of course, I am sure I will end up buying the NYC as well sooner or later but 5 new LW albums (and Little Honey to come) is enough for now!

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