Heartless Bastards, 2.0

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    Well, looks like Mike (bass) & Kevin (percussion) are out. It’s Erika and new supporting players (sounds familiar). Rough cut of a new song is on the HBs’ Myspace page.


    Thanks for the link, Lefty. I remember someone saying last year that they thought it might happen. I always thought the rhythm section was strong.


    Looks like they are coming to my neck of the woods at Southgate House in Newport. Thanks for the info!





    Apparently, Erika has ignored my fervent plea to come to the Snow Belt… 🙁

    Go hear this woman sing, if she’s in your vicinity. Endorsed by Lu!


    Awesome, awesome band. I saw them last month at the Bowery Ballroom for the 4th time and each show has been spectacular (except for opening for Lucinda at Radio City, a venue that doesn’t suit them at all, when the volume was so low you could barely hear them). The loss of Mike/Kevin hurts, they were 2/3 of one of the tightest and best live bands I’ve seen, great musicians and great guys who would stay for hours after a show talking to fans, but the new lineup is still very good and put on a great show. I know they have added some more people and instruments for the record, at the show they had a violin player on 4-5 tracks. I’m happy to report that all the new tracks they played sound great and I’m really excited for the new record. If you don’t have their two albums go buy them today on CD and vinyl and go to all the shows you can! There was also a great moment during the show when Erika started playing a new song solo on acoustic guitar and only made it through the first verse before saying (paraphrasing) “i’m not going to continue playing until you all shut up”, standing there until everyone was quiet, slyly smiling, and then starting the song over.


    @CliveDanko wrote:

    There was also a great moment during the show when Erika started playing a new song solo on acoustic guitar and only made it through the first verse before saying (paraphrasing) “i’m not going to continue playing until you all shut up”, standing there until everyone was quiet, slyly smiling, and then starting the song over.

    I LOVE it! Good for her. That is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. RUDE people talking at concerts. Not only is it rude to the performer, but it is rude to the other audience members around them.









    Ordered the HBs’ new album direct from Fat Possum and got it last week. Still listening/digesting. Not ready to make any pronouncements. Still sorry that Mike & Kevin are out, but, that’s show biz.

    This record is starting to work for me. Didn’t realize until just recently that the new bandmates are actually old bandmates. If you have the chance, go hear this woman sing.

    This sums it up pretty well: “Their latest finds them reigning in the volume in favor of tighter and bluesier compositions, and the results are highly pleasurable, if not as viscerally engaging as the band’s earlier work. This refinement finds Wennerstrom’s vocals dominating the songs like never before, and this re-balancing is what gives The Mountain its true thrust.” (Chicagoist.com)


    Here is a link to an article in the NY Times about Heartless Bastards / Erica Wennerstrom. (I believe you need to register at the NYT Web site to read their content).

    I liked this quote from Lu in the article:

    I love the Heartless Bastards. Erika’s voice is dynamite. She’s so real. She doesn’t think about all of that stuff — the fluff, the presentation, the marketing, the publicity. This will probably work to her disadvantage.

    I also found it interesting that the “new” band (Jesse Ebaugh on bass and Dave Colvin on drums) were the original Heartless Bastards that recorded the 2003 demo that got Erica the recording contract with Fat Possum Records.



    Thanks for the link, Tom. Good article.

    Erika is a special talent, imho. I truly hope I’m wrong, but I don’t think “The Mountain” is going to increase her following. The album has grown on me over the last couple of weeks, but I don’t think Erika has hit her stride just yet. The day is coming, though.


    @Lefty wrote:

    Erika is a special talent, imho.

    I agree, Lefty. I just ordered The Mountain & am looking forward to its arrival.

    And, who knows? With Doug P.’s apparent departure, maybe Lu will have Heartless Bastards open some shows again. I really enjoyed the 2 shows I saw when their previous incarnation opened for her…



    Good article. It says she will be on Letterman 2/10, I think.

    I first saw the Heartless Bastards in Ventura. I think it was the 06 tour. Tom, you were there. I can’t say I’m a big fan, though. I thought they were too loud.

    Good luck to them.


    Tom: You may have to exercise some patience with “The Mountain.” It took me more than a few times to start appreciating it.

    Tony: Erika’s turned down the volume on this one. Give it a try! 🙂

    The preceding was not a paid promotional announcement.


    @tonyg wrote:

    I first saw the Heartless Bastards in Ventura. I think it was the 06 tour. Tom, you were there. I can’t say I’m a big fan, though. I thought they were too loud.

    It’s true – I was there. And, I’ll give you that – they were pretty loud. But, ever since I saw Drive-By Truckers in a small theater, I have adjusted my determination of what I think is too loud. 😉 That DBT show was the loudest show I have ever been to. My wife’s & my ears rang for two days afterwards. Since then, I have gotten into the habit of bringing cotton balls in a small zip-lock bag to most shows in case I need them…




    Love the Skull Screws.

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