Still can’t believe it!

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda in general Still can’t believe it!

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  • #29358
    Rob Marchment

    Hi all,

    I still can’t believe it – that Lucinda exists and does what she does …
    I just put on her CD West and am thinking ‘How good is all this!’
    The discovery is just beginning and I shall certainly follow advice previously given about exploring all of Lucinda’s music and songs.

    Good day to everyone,
    Rob 😀



    Do yourself a great big favor and buy everything you can that Lucinda has recorded. I have a massive CD (and LP) collection that goes back to the 60’s, and I’ve noticed that in the past six months she is all I listen to. She is truly amazing. I think I’m in love with her!!! I am contemplating going to one of the cities where she will be giving a concert, as I believe she is on tour now and not likely to come to Canada (although I would walk over glass if she was).

    Inside Job

    She is doing Montreal and Toronto in Oct. and probably doing Winnipeg, Cagary, Edmonton and Vancouver in early Nov.


    ……better start toughening up the bottoms of your feet gordo05

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