Brownfield,Me. Show setlist

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Brownfield,Me. Show setlist

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    “This is the closest I’ve ever done…” Lucinda said at one point as she noted the folks sitting less than eight feet from her mic. “This is way more intimate than McCabes or The Birchmere” (California and Virginia have nothing on Me.) And so it was. On at 8:00 PM sharp. No opener. Two hours and fifteen minutes in front of 250 people maximum. Sold out. Great sound on stage and off. All songs received generous introductions. She looked marvelous.
    After many, many LW concerts this one certainly knocked me out when I wasn’t sure that was still possible.

    If Wishes Were Horses (abbreviated due to feedback issue…but Lu still in good humor explaining that this song was probably just not supposed to happen that night)
    Over Time
    Fruits of My Labor
    Tears of Joy(VERY deep groove on this)
    Too Cool To Be Forgotten
    Little Rock Star (I have my guesses)
    Out of Touch
    Real Love
    Are You Down
    Come On
    Honey Bee
    Bone of Contention
    Unsuffer Me
    Long Way To The Top
    (I may be in the minority but I thought it was a letdown. Pray for a cover of “Powderfinger” or “Cortez the Killer”…now that would be something…especially with this band in full force).

    Butch Norton-drums
    David Sutton-bass
    Doug Pettibone-guitar
    Chet Lyster-guitar
    Lucinda Williams-channeling the spirit


    Great post Jim. Thx for the news. Only 250 people. Must have been great.


    “Good things come in small packages.”
    Thanks for checking in, j-r-j.


    I was there…..thanks for the setlist. 🙂 I agree with everthing you said….awesome show!! Being 20ft. from Lucinda was incredible….my wife was a reluctant fan, but after seeing her for the second time she can’t wait for the 3rd time.

    I’ll be back to Brownfield for the Cowboy Junkies. 😀

    (by the way, I was told 180 people) 😉 My short review is in the general forum. What town do you live in jimrjim?


    Thanks for the setlist; “Overtime” and “Blue” are tour premieres, too bad the latter wasn’t done for the British chap I met in Minnesota. I’m not sure we’re likely to get a Neil cover from Lu as a show-closer, but too bad Buick6 didn’t have a go in Maine and trot out “Cinammon Girl.” At least you got part of “If Wishes Were Horses,” sounds like, more than just the title a la Milwaukee. It will happen. And Lu has played more intimate places than this in the day, but probably not in recent memory, for sure. It’s great that she played that venue.


    Just a quick note…194 is the correct audience number. I was given the wrong info earlier. Word is everyone involved (performers included) thought it was a magical night.

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