Lucinda in Brownfield Maine

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  • #29275

    Anybody else going to see Lucinda in Brownfield, Me. on July 7th? It’s going to be cool to see her in such a small setting…around 200 seats in a timber framed barn.

    My wife and I saw her on March 24th, my b-day last year in Boston and this concert July 7th is my wifes birthday. Couldn’t have worked out any better. 😀 Check out the venue a 70’x30′ room………..


    I’m jealous, sounds like an awesome venue, your wife is lucky. I’m bummed, because we will actually be in Maine the end of August. I would have driven from Bar Harbour to see Lucinda. I’m also jealous, because I love your state. It’s such an awesome craggy coastline, and beautiful backwoods country. We get up there as often as we can.


    ouch ouch ouch !!!

    I’ll be in N. Conway for the weekend, but have to wo*k on Monday….


    Poster for the show.


    Last nights show was great! Seeing her with 179 other people was a real treat.

    Walked in the door to the barn and Doug was standing there, so my wife and I got to meet him which was cool.

    Lucinda and the band really seemed to enjoy themselves. I’ve never seen her laugh, talk and smile as much as last night.

    She played a few new songs, which were all really good. Rescue was mesmerizing as usual and she finished with AC/DC’s “It’s a Long Way to the Top (if you wanna Rock n’ Roll). I would have rather heard a Lucinda song, but no complaints about this show.

    If you’re a fan and were within driving distance(2 hours for me) and skipped this one you really missed out. 😀

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