Lucinda Shows

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  • #29247

    Question for Inside Job…………….Have been patiently waiting since last year (got to see Lucinda 4 times in 07) for her to come around again to the Maryland-PA-VA or DC area. Would go to Philly except that’s a long ride and lots of gas and toll money to see Lu as an opening act for JCM. Not knocking Mr. Mellencamp whatsoever, just want to see Lu as the headliner and see a longer set than just an opening act. Will there be any chance to see Lucinda this year in my region as a headliner. Will even travel. Drove to Mt. Laurel last year right after Wolf Trap then back to Baltimore where I live for the 7-29-07 show. Can you toss a few crumbs of hope this way for a longtime fan? Or will I have to wait? Any info good, bad, or indifferent is sure appreciated. Thanks for the great job that you do in keeping us all informed.

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