ANOTHER Q FOR IJ – re: NY & LA shows

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows ANOTHER Q FOR IJ – re: NY & LA shows

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  • #29196

    Wondering if any release might be coming down the road as far as the 2nd sets from the NY and LA shows? There was hopeful discussion of this back in the fall, but I know that getting rights and permissions from some of the other artists was the challenge.

    I hope you haven’t given up! I’d still love to see a compilation on even one or two discs. Those 10 nights of second sets provided a lot of great material to pull from, so even if you can’t get many of the “big names” to OK a release, I know you’d come up with a great selection from the other artists who joined Lucinda onstage…. 😀 I’d be happy (thrilled!) with that. (Maybe even a download, if you don’t want to deal with the fulfillment/shipping stuff again….)

    Ever hopeful!

    Inside Job

    Its possible but would probably involve Lost Highway. From what I know I would guess that its not at the top of the list at the moment. The focus is on finishing the new record and setting that up, reissuing the Rough Trade record, booking the tour , improving the website etc. Lots going on with Lucinda right now.


    i suppose if the label is involved it is even more unlikely. 🙁 I know you’ve got your hands full, and I’ll look forward to whatever comes along. (especially the new record and this year’s tour!) It’s all good. Thanks for the reply.

    Inside Job

    Not at all, they are very aware of the NY/LA shows and second sets, but the immediate focus will be on the new record, which they are very excited about.


    I just hope that Lost Highway gets the new record out in Aug/Sept. Last year “West” was ready to come out in early November, but they pushed it back ’til February because they put out “Car Wheels” 2. I’m afraid of the same thing happening because of the reissue of the self titled album. I’m not interested in buying music that has been out there for 20 years, no matter how many so called “bonus” tracks they throw in. I won’t be buying it! Get the new record out when it’s ready; no delays! Can’t wait to hear it.

    Inside Job

    The new record will definitely be out by Aug/Sept. It’s all recorded– with just mixing left starting 3/17, so its ahead of schedule to release in that time frame. Not a big deal but just for the record (no pun intended) West was not held because of the CWOAG Deluxe –new releases always take precendent over re-issues when it comes to scheduling. It was held because there were some unique issues/problems with the making of that record that caused some delays. At one point it was originally scheduled for Sept. 06 and then mid Oct. Once you get into Nov. its best hold it to the new year instead of getting lost in the crush of Q4 releases. In the end it ended up not even being a question with West, because it just wasn’t ready in time for late 06.
    Right now, barring something completely crazy, there is nothing that would delay the new record- which will probably be in Aug – with RT record likely now to follow in Oct. and there goes 2008.


    Great news, Inside Job, thanks.

    Any more hints about possible tracks?

    Inside Job

    Can’t really say until the final decisions are made what will make the cut and what won’t. Besides, some surprises are good –right?


    Thanks for the info, Inside Job. I agree with your comment on the surprises. I’d rather not know at this early stage.


    Hey Inside Job, any news on which musicians have played on the new record?

    Inside Job

    The only outside musician on the record as of now is Rob Burger who played keyboards and various other instruments–he played on West also.
    There is quite a list of backing vocalists – but not sure if I can give those up yet. Besides everyone said they liked surprises….


    Hey! Not everyone said that! 😉


    That is great news that Rob Burger was in on the sessions. I thought that he did an excellent job on “West”. He was like the unsung hero of the album. Added alot of atmospherics to the songs.

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