Studio update

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records Studio update

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    Inside Job

    I was able to listen to the early tracks of the new record -so far 9 basic tracks have been completed in the first 8 days- and they are sounding fantastic. Its great to see Lucinda so excited in the studio, and there is a great vibe and camaraderie among everyone involved and you can see that everyone feels something really great is happening. Lucinda’s singing better than ever and the band has just been amazing. There’s a lot to be said about going into the studio with the band that you’ve just a year on the road with. It really takes it to a new level.


    Thanks for the update. Is Chet along for the ride? This should be a great record, I love that Lu is using the “road dogs” from last tour, as opposed to studio musicians. Nothing against the hired guns, I just think Lu’s recent band is more than up to the task. 9 tracks in 8 days = chemistry.

    dr winston oboogie

    Thanks IJ, really appreciate the info, especially being so far away, as Lucinda gets practically no coverage here in the UK.

    Any indications yet, if we are likely to see Lucinda touring the record in Europe later this year..(I know I`m a greedy so and so.. 😀 ).

    Love,Peace and Revolution.


    Good stuff IJ.

    I read that there were lotsa leftover songs from the West sessions. Did LW start from scratch with this band or will some tracks survive from the earlier sessions?

    Inside Job

    Everything was started from scratch, with Doug, Chet, David and Butch. Rob Burger who played on West is also playing keyboards and various other instruments.

    Lucinda Fiend

    i appreciate all your little updates and taking the time to let the fans know what is happening…it’s really awesome the studio gig is manifesting the way it is….i had good vibes about it all along….i have acknowledged how LW is growing spiritually and of course artistically, in-turn drawing to her all the great KARMA she well deserves……(did “plan to marry” make it on this record?)……keep it up buddy, i am so glad you are a BIG part of LUCINDA’S life!!!!!!!!!!! 😉


    I wonder when this will hit stores? Hopefully this year!

    Disco Stu

    Thanks for the update, Inside Job. It’s great to hear that the sessions are going well. I think using the same band that’s been supporting her is going to make for a very good album.

    I don’t know off the top of my head exactly how many new songs she’s performed in the last couple of years that didn’t make it onto West – Jailhouse Tears and Tears of Joy are a couple of the standouts IMO – but I imagine there will be at least a few tracks on the new album that she hasn’t performed live yet. So far, has she recorded some new ones that none of us have heard yet, or has she been working mostly on the songs she’s performed live?


    Lucinda also did a song called “The Knowing” at least once. I believe it was supposed to be the title track of the album that became “West”. I can’t think of any others she played but were not on the album.


    Don’t forget “honeybee”.
    I’d like to know who she got to sing “jailhouse tears” with.

    Inside Job

    Since a similar list has been printed elsewhere in this I guess it doesn’t hurt anything to print the list of what’s been worked on. to Keep in mind that there is no guarantee that a song will make the record just becuase it is tracked- and these are just some of the songs that have been worked on- and some have changed and greatly improved over previous versions:

    Honey Bee
    Jailhouse Tears
    The Knowing
    Tears Of Joy
    Real Love
    Well, Well, Well
    If Wishes Were Horses
    Circles & X’s
    Heaven Blues

    There is no duet on Jailhouse yet, but there is a shortlist of names.
    At this point the goal is for the record to be released in Aug/Sept.


    Awesome, can’t wait! thanks!

    Disco Stu

    Wow, thanks for the details! I’d forgotten all about Real Love…I’m glad she hasn’t. 🙂
    It’ll also be really interesting to hear what some of these songs sound like after so much time has passed since she started performing them live. The only thing I’m bummed about is that, as with West, not many of the songs will be new to me since I’ve heard them already (what a complaint, huh? 😉 ). This is a completely different experience from, say, awaiting the new Bob Dylan album where hell would freeze over before he’d perform an unreleased song in concert. It’s really nice that Lucinda’s more comfortable with trying out new songs in her shows.


    I’m excited about news of Lu and the band cranking away in the studio. For those who saw the CWOAGR show at the El Rey, it would be cool to see Steve Earle doing the duet. “Honey Bee”…if that song comes across in the studio as vivacious as it does on stage, we’re in for a treat on each listen.


    Steve Earle would be OK although he screwed it up at the El Rey I thought. He may have never seen the words before.

    My vote is for Mike Stinson. I think he would do a good job.

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