New Videos on YouTube

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows New Videos on YouTube

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  • #29149
    Ronny Zamora

    Just to let you know – I have now overcome my ‘techy’ difficulties and finished uploading my videos of Lu’s show at the Plug in Sheffield (UK). Hope you enjoy them. Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. PS the videos are posted under the username ‘Nordy Trucker’.


    Thanks for posting the videos. Merry Christmas and a safe New Year to you.


    Big up to you for the youtube clips. It was good to have a reminder of the gig. Decent sound too. The only (minor) quibble is that I was at the other side of the venue so it was from a different point of view! Mind you, I could have had my big head in the films, so there’s an upside to everything.

    Happy New Year to all

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