Basel Show

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  • #29099
    broken butterfly

    anybody else going to the basel show tomorrow? i wonder if the crowd is there to see chuck berry or lucinda??? I wish she was the mainact and not only opening for chuck berry! I don’t care too much about chuck berry…

    PS: The show will be broadcasted live on swiss radio drs 3. My tape is ready ๐Ÿ˜€


    I will be there too ๐Ÿ˜† and I am really looking forward to Lucindas concert (although I don’t really like the AVO Session festival, it is one of those festivals where the best seats are never sold but go to VIPs, sponsors, etc. for free and then they sit at their tables and don’t even applaud…) But I think it is Lucindas first ever concert in Switzerland and so I really have to be there, no matter where she plays. (I’ve seen her for the first time last November in London and it was a wonderful show…and after the show I briefly met her and sort of begged her to come to Switzerland on her next tour..and there she will be ๐Ÿ˜€

    For those who can’t go to the show:
    Swiss Radio DRS3 will broadcast the show LIVE between 8 pm and 9.30 pm Swiss time and you can also listen to it online at:


    You are a lucky guy swisschris!!!
    I talk with her last year in Amsterdam, both nights, and I ask her for a dates in Spain and it was no possible this time.
    Maybe next year, with the new record under the arm she will came to Spain.
    Enjoy the gig!!!

    broken butterfly

    You are right about the avo session swisschris. The audience is not the best and I hate it to keep still at some table when it’s rocking on the stage. Have you been there at the Emmylou/Spyboy concert as well?

    Thanks for persuading Lucinda to come… and try to make her come again to another venue like for instance the frison in fribourg or the bierhรผbeli in bern ๐Ÿ˜€


    Just arrived back from Lucinda’s wonderful concert at the AVO Session in Basel.
    The concert was not only transmitted live on Swiss Radio, but also recorded for Swiss television (there were 4 cameras) and will be broadcast some time in the future. Lucinda did not know about the television and so she was, at least in the beginning, very nervous. She also said that she was supposed not to talk in between songs (because of the recordings..), but hey, she did it anyway and I loved her explanations about the songs.
    She played for 90 minutes as it was a festival with Chuck Berry performing after her set.
    This was the setlist (maybe at parts not in the right order as I only wrote it down after and not during the show:)
    She had an interesting set list, starting with songs from the LWalbum and then playing songs in chronological album order…

    -Passionate kisses (solo)
    -Night’s too long (not quite sure about that one)
    -Crescent city
    -Sweet old world (My favourite song tonight, moved me to tears, wonderful version!!!)
    -Lake Charles
    -Car wheels on a gravel road
    -Can’t let go
    -Steal your love
    -Real Live Bleeding Fingers
    -Unsuffer me

    -Overtime (This was an audience request)

    The crowd was very quiet in the beginning and then got louder during the evening. Lucinda thanked the audience for opening their hearts to her songs and she seemed really moved at the end, when she got flowers from the festival’s director.
    A wonderful concert, no false start!
    Peace, Love and Revolution…and LUCINDA FOREVER!!!!

    broken butterfly

    Yes, great show, fantastic band, wonderful Lucinda!
    The only regret is that most of the crowd seemed to be there for Chuck Berry not Lucinda. IMHO she did not receive the applause she deserved.
    Anyway looking forward to Paris!!!


    Yup, just pearls before swine(s)….

    Can anybody enlight me about Lucinda’s condition(s)?

    (if that’s a no-no or not a topic for this forum, pls inform
    me kindly, thank you)


    I am listening to the Basel radio broadcast now. I got it off Dime. LW is putting on a great show. Polite applause only from the crowd.


    This was the concert Lucinda was surprised that it was being recorded and the same AVO Session that produced an unauthorized DVD which Tom O. investigated thru Universal Music.
    Anyway it’s now on You Tube in 3 parts for all of us to enjoy.
    There is some slick camera work and is of high quality.



    I’ve seen the whole thing. Someone over there taped it off of the TV. I thing this is right around the Copenhagen show, later made famous by a song and video.

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