"Jail House Tears" Lyrics?

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda in general "Jail House Tears" Lyrics?

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    I’ve done searches..etc…can’t find this one.

    I have the version with Elvis Costello, but, let’s face it…Elvis is unintelligle most of the time, and the two You Tube versions leave me wondering about a couple of lines?

    Here’s what I’ve got so far, with question marks around the parts I’m not sure of….thanks in advance for any help.

    Plus…all these lyrics may not be in exact order, as I’ve heard different versions

    JAIL HOUSE TEARS by Lucinda Williams


    I’m Crying Jail house tears
    And I’ve been trying all these years
    Been trying to write things out
    But now I’ve shifted gears
    And we’re both crying J.H.T.

    Male part:

    They say I broke the law
    Now everything’s broke down (?)


    Babe I know what I saw
    I know you went downtown


    I went to the corner
    To get a cold 6-pack


    You’re a drunk and a stoner (?)
    You never came back


    They locked me up
    & you locked me out


    You tried to steal my truck but…
    That’s not what this is about


    I used to be a user (?)
    But now I’m all out of stuff (?)


    You’re a 3 time loser
    You’re all fucked up

    Chorus…lead Break


    I’ll prove to you somehow (?)
    I’m done with everything (?)
    Look at me I’m clean now


    You’re so full of shit


    I swear I’ll tell all (?)
    Look in my dresser drawer


    Now I’m behind the 8 ball
    & you’re behind bars



    That’s pretty close, actually. The only thing is the line

    I’ll prove it to you somehow
    I’m done with every bit (I think EC messed up a word, since she’s rhyming w/” s***” two lines later.)

    Also, I’ve never been sure on the chorus whether she’s saying “ride things out” or “write things out”, although either one would work, just mean different things.

    Other than that, I’m pretty sure you’re dead-on with the lyrics. I love that song, and find myself listening to it when I need a pick-me-up.


    Thanks again Rachel…once again you’ve proven yourself to be the sweetheart of this forum. ( Next to Lucinda, of course…LOL)

    By the way, I just picked up Escovedo’s “Boxing Mirror.”

    Perhaps I’ll post a review when I have more time, but so far, great sounding album.

    When I think about it…”ride things out” makes more sense with the following line…”shifted gears,” so I think you’re ride (opps..right) about that, too. LOL

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