The Knowing

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    I know this is probably old news to most, but I was going through some old cds the other day and I found a Lu concert that contained a song I’d never heard before called ‘The Knowing.’ The name rung a bell and I remembered that at one point I had read that that was to be the title of Lucinda’s next album. I believe this was around the time that the ESSENCE cd was released.

    Anyway, I’m just curious if anyone knows why she decided not to release the song. If she was planning on naming the entire album after that one track, it must’ve been a favorite of hers at some point. Just curious.

    Take Care,


    Inside Job

    The Knowing was an earlier working title for what became West. It was left off because all of the vocals on West and several songs that did not end up on West were recorded as demos a few months earlier and it was decided to keep the vocals from those sessions because they all had a similar sound and feel as they were recorded at a different studio from West. In effect West was actually made backwards from the way records are normally recorded.
    With the Knowing, after much discussion, Lucinda decided that she was not quite happy with the vocal from the earlier demos and didn’t want it to be the only track on West with a new vocal, so the tile of the album was changed. In addition a group of songs started to fit together into the album that became West so the Knowing was left for the next record, where it fits great with some other songs that were also left off, as well as some brand new ones.


    So, ‘west’ the song is actually the same as ‘the knowing’?

    thanks for the reply,



    No. Two different songs. “The Knowing” was going to be the title of “West” (the album). The song “The Knowing” was left off of the West album alltogether.

    Ok…Now that we cleared that up….Who’s on first… j/k


    You may want to check out the show from the 930 Club on NPRs All Songs Considered (it’s on the NPR web site as streaming audio). Lu mentioned she had about 24 songs for an upcoming record. “The Knowing” was one of those songs. You can hear it performed at the concert. The same with “Jailhouse Tears”. Lu mentioned that the upcoming record might be called “The Knowing”. Well, we know how that came to pass.

    The version of “Where is My Love?” from the 930 Club is simply lovely. I loved that song from the first listen. I was so happy when I learned that song would be on the new album, “West”.


    I really dig “Where Is My Love?” too, and in fact it might be my favorite song on the new album, although I think the demo version is far superior to the album version. I have seven demo versions of West tracks and that’s the one that jumped out at me as definitely better than what went on the album.

    Not sure if the vocal take is the same or not, but the demo version sure seems to emit more raw emotion to me. The demo has more sparse instrumentation and the drum beat is a sparse more “feeling” performance, particularly the use (or NON-use perhaps) of the hi-hat. The album version has a straight 3/4 beat with straight triplet notes played on the hi-hat, so it’s more of a “driving” beat you’d find in typical 3/4 blues songs. The demo version though seems to have a more slow-shuffle feel often found in jazz and imo it compliments the lyrics and vocal delivery so much better.

    You should check it out!


    @Inside Job wrote:

    The Knowing was an earlier working title for what became West. …the tile of the album was changed. … the Knowing was left for the next record, where it fits great …

    thought it might be worth bringing this back to the top… All credit to tonyg and Pitbull in the JCM/Shows thread for perceptive reading of TomOverby’s comments. 🙂 He wrote: “the new record- to answer a question from another thread–it doesn’t have a name yet but it has been the hot topic of discussion for the last few days because it has to be decided soon. Is one of the titles in contention one that has been considered before? Maybe. “

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