Any info on upcoming shows 07/08?

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Any info on upcoming shows 07/08?

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    I’m dying to have Lucinda back in the Bay Area, especially at the Fillmore in SF. Does anyone have any insider information on tentative plans laid out after the Europe tour, end of 07 and into 08???


    so um,……any INSIDERS here have any info that they might SPRING on us about any upcoming shows? regions? anything? IM DYIN OVAH HERE!!!

    Disco Stu

    I’d imagine that this goes without saying, but I’ll put it out there anyway: it would be great if Lucinda did another 5-night, 5-album stand in ’08 – somewhere in the Midwest (Chicago?) for all us folks who couldn’t make it out to either coast, but thought that the idea was great.


    That would be awesome. I’d make it.


    after teh length and ground covered in this tour, i would venture a guess (no inside info or job) it’ll be a while before we see lucinda on stage.
    well into 08. just pure speculation on my part


    I would think she might take some time to do another album before hitting the road again, but that’s just a guess, and even if she does, it might not take as long as usual. It’s been well publicized that there was more than enough material for another album left over from the West sessions, plus she’s been writing more since that album was completed, so with no shortage of material, ya never know.

    I don’t think Lucinda’s ever blessed us with a new studio albums in consecutive years, but it sounds like she’s on a roll, so we might just see a new album in ’08. If she can get that out, I would think she’d get out to play the songs live like she always does…. We could use another stop in Austin for sure! (my wife was ready to give birth any day, so we had to miss the Austin City Limits festival set; two sets from Dylan plus Lu and Steve Earle and I didn’t catch a NOTE!) 😥


    I’d say she needs a break. A person can only go for so long before hitting the wall, so to speak, and I’m not saying that because she’s in her 50’s, either. A person, no matter their age needs to rest sometimes. 🙂 (Besides, everybody needs some cool quiet and time to think!!!)


    I had heard somewhere, (don’t remember if it was at one of her shows or an interview) that she has scheduled studio time in January to start recording another album. If this is the case, I doubt she hits the road again until April at the earliest.

    ive lost it

    inside job said she was headed back in the studio post european tour.

    Inside Job
    joined: 23 Jul 2007
    Posts: 77

    Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 2:28 am Post subject:

    Studio time has already been reserved to record the next record in Jan. and Feb.
    I think you can expect that Tears Of Joy, Rarity, The Knowing, Jailhouse Tears, Honey Bee and Well, Well, Well -all songs she has played live over the last year plus, will almost for sure be on the the record.


    I hope Lucinda gives Doug the vocal to Jailhouse Tears.

    He nailed it better than any version I’ve heard…IMO.


    I agree, Stan. Every time I’ve seen him do it, it’s been great. There’s no need to have a “name” artist do it; what for, to sell a few more records? The song doesn’t flow as good when other people do it. I’d rather see Lucinda do it by herself if not Doug. The first time I saw this song performed was in July 2005, and it was stunning. Lucinda explained that it was written as a duet, but did all the vocals herself that night.


    I remember back awhile reading something where she was talking about approaching someone like Hank III to do it. Personally, I think Merle Haggard would be f****** cool as her duet partner on the song. Although, I really did love the version she and DP did when she played Birmingham. Lol…I’ll take Lucinda and anybody doing that song…you know, it might be hilarious if the duet partner were a …… woman. I mean, think about it-the song doesn’t specifically SAY the two people are boyfriend/girlfriend. The same thing could happen with a sister or a friend of the same gender. Of course, that won’t happen, but I could really imagine Shelby Lynne doing the duet vocal (and doing a great job.)


    If not Doug, Hank III would be a great choice.

    …Or how about Rascal Flatts??? haha Just Kidding….


    Let’s hope you’re kidding! Hmmm….Kenny Chesney? 😯 😆


    Ouch that one stung also.

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