Lucinda in Copenhagen

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    literally just walked in the door from the Lucinda concert here in Copenhagen. It was a fine show. The band was tight and got down to business. Doug Pettibone was a star on lead guitar and the drummer was kick ass. The venue is called VEGA and it is a great room to hear music. The sound is always great in there.

    Highlights for me were a new song called Honey Bee, Real Live Bleeding Fingers, witha shout out to my hero, Paul Westerberg, Fruits of my labor, I still long for Yiur Kiss, Pineola, etc…I could go on and on, she has so many great songs.

    Lucinda seemed a bit shy and nervous and truly humbled by a fairly enthusiastic yet highly attentive Danish audience. IS she always like this? or is it an act? She sang well, espescially after about the first three or four tunes, she really let it rip, and seemed to be having a good time, as did the band.

    The show, I would say, centered on her most rocking tunes…Essence, Real Live, Joy…with the band playing loud.

    I really enjoyed it, sorry I can’t provide a set list. I’m never good at remembering that stuff, but it’ll be posted.


    Glad you enjoyed the show. To answer a question, yes, Lucinda really is a shy, humble person. She truly has no pretense about her.


    Mange tak, Dave. Welcome to our friendly forum.


    Hey Lefty,

    I’m actually an American guy living here in Denmark, and while I’m not totally fluent in Danish, i can hold my own.

    It’s difficult to translate “Rock on” into Danish. Most Danes would probaly use the English expression.

    I still have Lucinda’s tunes swimming in my head the morning after, and my ears are still ringing. I stood pretty much right in front of Pettibone’s amp!

    Talk to you.


    Thanx for the review!


    I truly enjoyed the show last night in Copenhagen. It’s the first time that I saw Lucinda live and she’s a great musician.

    I also enjoyed the extremely well playing band. Can anyone tell me their names – Dave allready wrote Dougs name but what about the drummer, bassplayer and the last guitar player?



    The players in the band are:

    Doug Pettibone; Guitars, Harmonica and vocals
    David Sutton: Bass Guitar
    Butch Norton: Drums
    Chet Lyster: Guitars and keys


    Great. Thanks! 🙂


    Hello there, seems u have enjoyed the show.

    Did she met her fans at the end of the gig (autograph’s session)?
    Last time i san an artist from lost highway label(Mary Gauthier) in a small club (less than 100 people), we can have a little talk with the artist & buy some of their cds & bootlegs & get them autographed 8) it’s pretty cool
    how long the show last?


    Hey Joe,

    I didn’t stick around to try to meet her. Her bus was parked directly in front of the building, so i imagine that you could have met her, or at least, said “Hi” if you stayed around long enough. I know from experience that it can take awhile for the performer to make it out to the bus though.

    I have no idea whether she made her self available to the fans, for signing stuff and chatting.

    She played a solid two hours and It seemed as though she was willing to play for a lot longer. She kept saying that she would play as long as they would let her. Her stage manager came on and seemed to be hurrying her to finish, however. They are on a pretty tight schedule, i can see, and they have a bunch of shows in a row in places that aren’t exactly that close to each other, so I imagine she doesn’t have a lot of time for hanging around. She talked about having a couple of days to hang out in Copenhagen before the gig, and she said she really enjoyed the city espescially one 24 hour bar near her hotel. (God, I wish I know where that was and had stumbled in on the nights she was there.)

    The place was really packed and there were way more than 100 people there, so it wasn’t quite as intimate as your experience with Mary Gauthier.

    anyway enjoy the shows that you get to see, and hang out afterwards, maybe you will get lucky.


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