Lu’s concert in Paris (France)

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Lu’s concert in Paris (France)

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    Hi there.

    this would be the 1st time i’m gonna see Lu on stage in a small place.
    (she’s not very famous in france, shame on us 😳 & deserves to play in stadium ,but it’s ok, in a small club we can appreciate her show with more comfort)

    I would like to know how a lucinda’s 2007 gig’s like?
    of course i got all her official live cds & dvds…

    Did she met her fans @ the end of the gig & make some autograph session?

    Can we purchase the live’s cds at this moment?
    do you advise me the rey’s session or the Ny’ sessions?


    Joe, you are very fortunate to be able to see Lu in a small place! That sounds so good, I am tempted to fly over for this show, myself… NO STADIUMS, svp!!

    I saw her 5 times this year, and each performance was very different. The one prediction I can make is that no show is predictable. I saw a raw, loose, emotional performance (Jazzfest in New Orleans) and a smooth, flawless show (in New Jersey), an energized rockin’ show (near Philadelphia), and in-between. I saw the last show in New York, which was lovely — the album set was sweet and even a bit melancholy, and the second set with guests David Byrne and David Johansen was fun, like a party.

    There can be uneven spots — for example, she re-starts her songs sometimes because she wants them to be right — and these things affect the audience in different ways; some do not like these rough edges. My advice: Have no expectations, and enjoy the moment as a creative act. Her voice and songs are always extraordinary, and her band is just amazing.

    (Others on this site are more knowledgeable than me, and I am sure can tell you a lot more.)

    The live CDs of the El Rey and NYC are great and I recommend them both; however, she does seem more “at home” at the El Rey. (To order, you have to click at the bottom of the home page, not on the “store” link.)

    A small, intimate club in Paris will certainly be interesting. I am envious!


    Thanks Ray four your answer.

    Yes this club can be filled with 700 people max 8)
    This is not the club when big star play when they come in Paris but the good advantage is that we get closer to the show πŸ˜€
    It’s a fact that Lu is unknown among the french whole people even though it’s says a lot of good stuff about her on french specialised music ‘s mag

    Thanx Lu for coming for your french fan’s.
    I’m a huge one, know her since car wheels & fell in luv with her songs & was dying to see her in france (she toured in england,netherland but never in france πŸ˜₯ )


    @joe_from_paris wrote:

    (she toured in england,netherland but never in france πŸ˜₯ )

    Not in France, but at least in Belgium. Saw her last year in Brussels, pretty good show, very enthusiastic audience… Gonna be in Paris too.


    I’ll be there too with my youngest daughter.
    I hope to meet the Goddess before or after the show.

    broken butterfly

    I ‘ll see Lucinda for the first time live next Tuesday in Basel and then again next Friday in Paris. Looking very much forward to those events. Can’t wait!!! Joe from Paris: Is the crowd in Paris usually an enthusiastic one?


    D-8 πŸ™‚ dying to be there 8)
    ❓ can’t answer you ,but people who gonna attend the show will be people very keen on music & as far as i’m concerned Me & my bro we gonna “rock” this place πŸ˜† because it’s been a long time that we’ve waiting for LU’s show in Paris:10 years


    @broken butterfly wrote:

    I ‘ll see Lucinda for the first time live next Tuesday in Basel and then again next Friday in Paris. Looking very much forward to those events. Can’t wait!!! Joe from Paris: Is the crowd in Paris usually an enthusiastic one?

    I would say Paris crowds can be very enthusiastic but they are also very respectful. So no partying at the back of the hall like the English often do. Everybody listens and then makes loads of noise at the end of the song as opposed to during the song. I have seen concerts all over the place (I’m not French) and Paris is best! … but I’ve never been to Basel!


    Can’t wait for tomorrow’s concert. If you’ve never been to the Trabendo before it can be a little difficult to find. The first time I went we queued at the Zenith for half an hour before we realised our mistake! As you walk through the park from porte de pantin/citΓ© de la musique, it is in a wooded area on your right. It is signposted but not very well. If you get to a very large concert area – the Zenith – you’ve gone too far!

    See you all tomorrow!


    See you tomorrow!


    πŸ˜€ πŸ˜‰ yes!!!!!!! this is the DAY, πŸ˜€ watch out about the metro/rer because of the strike πŸ˜• or come earlier with the car because it’s been a shit for 1 week in France because of the Strike πŸ™„

    for the fun i’m gonna wear the same t-shirt (black/yellow branded Asics 😳 in the front) πŸ˜† , Hope she gonna notice it 😳


    I wore the same outfit as she did on the cover of “World Without Tears” to a show. I got noticed…but it wasn’t the good kinda noticed…. 😯


    Great show !! less than 200 people i think?
    just stand very closed from the stage (nearly 5feet, only 2 people in front of me)…
    i was a little confused @ the beginning coz she stop the 1st song twice & made a joke about artist leaving the show πŸ˜•

    Ventura? πŸ˜€
    Fruits Of My Labor πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€
    Steal your love πŸ™‚ πŸ˜€
    are you down
    2 cool 2 b 4 gotten πŸ˜€
    Righteousy πŸ™‚
    Essence πŸ˜€
    Come On
    Honey Bee
    Joy πŸ˜€
    Riders On The Storm
    Unsuffer Me

    for the Rappel

    where is my love
    ? a new song/cover? can hear the word “living ground”, any idea ❓
    Something happened when we talk πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€
    Crescent city πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€
    Bus to baton rouge πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€
    Side of the road πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    only t shirt for Merchandising …no live cds πŸ˜₯

    Hey guys, how did you enjoy the show?


    Definitive set list :
    Rescue (played twice)
    Fruits of my labor (played twice)
    Learning how to live
    Steal your love
    Out of touch
    Are you down
    2 Kool
    Changed the locks ( written on the paper but not played)
    Come on
    Honey bee
    Joy – Riders on the storm – Joy
    Unsuffer me
    I live my life (Fats Domino’s song)
    Where is my love
    Crescent city
    Something about …
    Bus to Baton Rouge
    Side of the road

    More than 2 h 00 but the first 15′ were very difficult for Lucinda and i feared the worst…
    Joe, i was the guy with a cap, 2nd row in front of the goddess.
    I have some nice films i ‘ll put on You Tube later


    Thanks: as much as I enjoy “definitive” wardrobe descriptions among members of Lu’s audiences, I enjoy setlists more. Fewer than 200 people? Let’s hope the UK can top that. Quelque francais en “Crescent City,” n’est pas?

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