Tears of Joy

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Tears of Joy

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  • #29040

    To “Inside Job” or anybody else who might know-Are there any plans of releasing the beautiful song “Tears of Joy” on the next record? This is such an amazing song! I really hope to hear it again soon.

    Inside Job

    Studio time has already been reserved to record the next record in Jan. and Feb.
    I think you can expect that Tears Of Joy, Rarity, The Knowing, Jailhouse Tears, Honey Bee and Well, Well, Well -all songs she has played live over the last year plus, will almost for sure be on the the record.


    That is great to know. Those are all great songs.


    I love the song “Well, Well, Well.” I just heard it for the first time on the NPR interview. Great song.

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