set 2 of all the shows

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows set 2 of all the shows

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    set 2 of all the shows = LA/NY Shows;

    I guess my question is , are the second sets of the LA/NY shows recorded? or video taped? whatever? The sets sound very exciting to me, with all the guests, etc. I would love to experience it listening to a recording or seeing a video….my wish list …I guess…..



    From our resident expert, Inside Job:

    “Right now it will be only the first sets, because of the complications of getting clearances from the guest artists. Based on the enthusiasm here, i’m sure the possibility of the second sets appearing will be looked at in the future.”

    I’ll wish along with you, Bill!



    I would hate to see it stored in a back room in storage. Needs to be heard….


    Let’s all hope for the best.


    Please, something. CD/DVDs, anything. It’d be a shame not to use it. My fingers are crossed!

    Inside Job

    The second sets were filmed, apparently there is about 100 hours of film. As mentioned before, they were also recorded, it is very difficult to get clearances when other artists are involved. That being said, the shows were filmed and much investment made for them not to sit on the shelf.


    Regarding the audio CDs and the second sets —
    i have no idea of how difficult/expensive/miserable it may be to get permissions/rights from other artists, but i’m sure it’s complicated — so i’d be content (even happy 🙂 ) if you released second sets with only some of the artists. Say you can only get 6 or 7 out of 10 artists on board — go with that! These are not studio releases, they’re kind of like “official” bootleg recordings (I love that quality), so in my mind the best we can get is just fine…. Yeah, I want it all, but don’t hold it all back because of a few artists.

    Just a thought (and others may not agree).

    A word of thanks also, for the album set releases. It’s a very cool concept and I am very happy with the way they came together (under pressure).

    Inside Job

    Thank you very much for your comments. It was a risky and expensive undertaking on top of everything else, and all done in house. It was done with the hope that it would be met positively enough to continue to do some of these types of things next year. So needless to say the comments are appreciated and hold weight.


    Add me to this list of those who appreciate being able to buy CDs at each of the 5 LA shows I went to. It was great idea. I have been wearing out each CD since then, remembering how great each show was. And the sound is fantastic. I don’t know how such a great job was done each night by the end of the show. I will definitely by a CD of any show I go to in the future.


    *clapping hands*


    @Snaggletooth wrote:

    *clapping hands*

    ….and lighting a joint…..and smiling…..

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