Thanks to Lucinda, Band & Crew!

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Thanks to Lucinda, Band & Crew!

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  • #29032

    Now that the US tour is over I just want to thank everyone for this great year of shows. Lucinda, the band (Doug, David, Butch, Chet), the amazing crew (Flappy, Nic, Mark, Kevin, Zac), tour manager Jim Runge, and manager Tom Overby. Thanks for all the fun!


    Hear, hear! I’ll second that! 😀



    I second that emotion, inspiration abounds, thanks everyone!


    Thanks to all who took the time to post comments, reviews, set lists, gripes & witticisms from and about the LA/NYC shows. As one of the unfortunates who couldn’t attend any of those special evenings, I enjoyed reading it all! 🙂

    mister e

    Does anyone know where to send Lu a fan letter? I’d love to write her my special thanks.

    Disco Stu

    Definitely a big thank-you to Lucinda, the band, the crew, and everybody who made the 2007 U.S. tours very enjoyable. Though I couldn’t make the LA or NY shows, I did get to see two great spring shows and a very good summer show. I sure hope Chicago and Wisconsin will be on her list of stops next year.

    And I also would like to thank Inside Job for taking the time and effort to respond to our questions whenever he can and shedding some light on what goes on “behind the scenes.” I realize that the level of engagement on boards like this is always going to be up to the artist and management ultimately, but I for one really appreciate having an opportunity to give feedback to Lucinda’s people and get responses in return. The situation with the live CDs really demonstrated to me that people care what we as fans think – seems like that would be obvious, but unfortunately it’s not always clear with other artists. I’m a huge Dylan fan and I can’t ever remember the slightest bit of inside information being shared with fans, nor any kind of “official” response to fan comments or concerns. Granted, I’m sure a lot of that is his own decision, but the situation we’re in as Lucinda fans is still infinitely better. So thanks again for keeping us fans in the loop.

    Inside Job

    Stu- Thank you for you for your kind commments. I know it has been said many times, to the point of cliche, but without the fans none of it would happen and that is just appreciated and respected. I do believe that in this day and age, everything is changing and we have to the capabilites to do things differently than ever before. The ability to exchange information and dialogue creates some possibilities that are interesting for all involved and limited only by ideas. On that note and I welcome any ideas on how to make any of this better, be it this forum, the website or whatever. Thanks again.


    @Inside Job wrote:

    …I welcome any ideas on how to make any of this better, be it this forum, the website or whatever…

    Would appreciate it, IJ, if you could exert your influence on this matter:
    earlier this year, this forum lost a member, SonO, to an untimely death. I’ve submitted a request to the “site administrator” to add a simple line of type to the forum main page that reads “SonO, in memoriam” or “In memory of SonO.” Maybe you can help make this modest tribute happen? Thanks.

    Inside Job

    Yes, I can make that happen.


    🙂 🙂 🙂


    I remember SonO. He was from NOLA and survived Katrina. Then I saw in another section of the forum that he passed. He was a very sweet and kind soul.

    Also, thanks to Lu, Band, Crew and IJ for everything. See ya next year!


    Thanks for the shows, thanks for listening to the fans and releasing those live CD’s

    Look forward to seeing you in Holland, both in Haarlem and in Rotterdam

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