New Site Design

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  • #28971

    We’re slowly rolling the new design into place, you may have noticed if you came to the forums from another part of the site. We’ll be updating the forum and store areas shortly, have a completely redesigned records section on the way and also a bunch of pictures from Lucinda’s recent 5 night stand at the ElRey Theatre in Los Angeles.

    Stay tuned, and thanks for your patience.

    Smartley-Dunn, Ltd.


    I like the changes – – thank you! 🙂

    dr winston oboogie

    Keep up the good work guys, the site and information is greatly appreciated…would like to spend more time in here..but..well you know, other things just get in the way don`t they ..keep tabs every day and especially interested in the show set lists and seeing the modifications to them, by Lu I assume ?

    Look forward to hopefully getting the chance to buy the recent CD`s from the live shows..

    Love,Peace and Revolution…


    I think the modifications in the setlists are done by “Flappy”, Lucinda’s Production Manager. He’s a jack of all trades!


    The re-design looks good to me. So far. Keep on!

    Inside Job

    The original setlist each night is the typed version. The handwritten changes are made during the show as Lucinda decides on the fly what songs she wants to play at that time.


    @Inside Job wrote:

    The original setlist each night is the typed version. The handwritten changes are made during the show as Lucinda decides on the fly what songs she wants to play at that time.

    Thanks……I love following the set lists. Thanks again Insider Jobber…

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