Honey Bee?

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records Honey Bee?

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    What do y’all think of Lucinda’s new song? I honestly can’t decide. It gets stuck in my head a lot–but I can’t decide if that’s a good or bad thing yet…


    i like it for the ripping guitars…which in my head will always be chuck prophet and doug going at it after sunday night.
    the lyrics are simple, but the feeling after the guitars kick in is kewl.


    I like “Honey Bee” very much in concert. Everyone seems to have alot of fun playing it. I don’t know if that feeling will carry over on a studio record. I have a feeling that the (so-called) critics will have a field day going after it.


    Honey Bee reminded me of the Heartless Bastards very much on the first listen. Lu seems to have written it post-West. I wouldn’t be surprised if she wrote it while the HB opened for her.


    I got stung by the Honey Bee at the Utica brewery show in July, and I loved it. I hadn’t heard (or heard about) the song before, and H Bee came out of the blue, toward the end of the show. It was a happy surprise… rootsy, rockin’ fun — got me smiling a lot, and moving, and dancing (almost). Lucinda is offering unexpected surprises with her new music, and I remember thinking this must the New Lu, the Rockin’ Lu (not the Blue Lu). I love that about her work — that she and her music change and evolve, are not stuck in the same place. I was drawn to her songs with the older stuff, the self-titled album and sweet old world, but I’m enjoying this ride she’s taking us on. 8)

    Tim’s got it right about this being a song best heard in a concert. In that context you’re totally into the groove. It’s perfect for a live CD.


    I loved it. I saw it last night in Greensboro……a hard rocker…….rocks like “Joy.”


    another check for honey bee –
    heard it last nite
    & loved it !!!
    Lucinda & the guys totally rocked the Carolina Theatre.
    awesome show, awesome venue, awesome nite …
    I truly experienced more than just a concert.


    It’s yet another endearing side of Lucinda. Count me in…..buzz buzz.


    lOVE Honey Bee. Heard it live last summer in an outdoor concert in Rochester. By the way, I’m new to this forum, and I am so happy to find such like minded people!


    I think I may have heard it one of the first times it was played. That was in Tulsa at The Cain’s Ballroom … uh, that was March or April of 2007. Lucinda made it sound like she decided to play it right then and there.

    I enjoyed it very much. After the show I told one of the sound guys (Jim?) that I liked it quite a lot and he almost sounded surprised that I liked it or maybe it was that she played it.

    Keep on rockin’,
    Tim Parrish / Dreaming Man


    She played Cains in May 07. I think it was the first time she played “honeybee”.
    It was a great show. She needs to play oklahoma more often.


    Loved it! Honey Bee brought the entire crowd in Santa Fe to its feet, dancing in the aisles! Lu’s last few albums have been too dark for my tastes – she needs one with some flat get-down Southern rock.


    she said she played it for the first time at the Cain’s Ballroom in Tulsa and i heard it there that night. struck me as pretty funny. it was a bit slower that night than the way she does it now, as i recall. it’s like a ramones song now, seems to be one they can blow off steam with.


    We took our girls – 13 & 16 yrs – to see Lu at the O2 on the Sunday so they could see for themselves what all the fuss is about. Their verdict was 5* and guess what? they liked Honey Bee the best!


    Is “Honey Bee” a new Lu composition, or a cover of the Tom Petty song by the same title? Petty’s got a song called “Honey Bee” on his “Wildflowers” album, and I can see her covering it (particularly since Petty’s already covered one of her songs).

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