The places Lucinda Williams sings in her songs

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows The places Lucinda Williams sings in her songs

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    I’ve just made a trip around The States and have visited many of Lucinda’s places after her songs. For instance, “Lafayette”. Does any one in Lafayette know that Lucinda wrote a song after their town? I did ask but no one I talked to knew about it or about her.

    And there were New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Lake Charles, Houston, …

    Austin, Tx. I heard that Lucinda played in the Six St. for years. Does any one in the Threadgill’s famous Restaurants know Lucinda Williams? I asked about her picture playing there and none could point it out where she was. I even explained someone at the Gifts Counter who L.W. is and which record could be his first one to listen to.

    Wow! What a ride. Mostly recommendable![/img][/list][/code][/quote]


    We did a similar trip back in 2003. We were really lucky to find our itinerary and Lu’s meshed and we were in New Orleans at the same time as she was playing there at House of Blues. We got our tickets through the magic of the internet well in advance but were amazed to find out on the night of the show that it wasn’t sold out.

    Great gig though. 😀


    I live in North Mississippi but grew up in South Mississippi near Louisiana. Currently, I live 10 minutes outside of Tupelo, not too terribly far from Greenville. And have been to Birmingham, Memphis, Lake Charles, Lafayette, New Orleans, etc.

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