St. Louis Show

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  • #28854

    Hi,all. I’m new here, but I’m a long-time fan and I just got to see Lucinda for the first time last night in St. Louis and I had to share. It was an incredible show, maybe one of the best concerts I’ve ever been to. We stood the entire time in the first row right by the stage, so we had a great view of everything. Lucinda seemed really happy, energetic and thrilled to be there. She got really into every single song and said she thought the sound quality of the Pageant was really good. And speaking of sound, her voice was awesome, and the band was incredible! She mostly played from “West” and “World Without Tears” but did 2 songs from “Car Wheels” (“Joy” and I forget the other one right now) and “Essence” (a personal fave). She came back out and did about 2-3 more songs, including an interesting mix of the Doors/Joy. And then she had Charlie Louvin come out and they did “Get Right with God” together. I’d say her whole set lasted about 2 hours. The Charlie Louvin Bros. did an incredible job too, and were really well-received. Kudos to you, Lucinda, and thank you for a great concert experience!! I look forward to many more.


    Welcome, Essence. 🙂



    Thank you for the link, Lefty. Enjoy the show next Wednesday night!


    Thanks for the link to the review, Lefty. I’m not the type of person to just gloat about Lu because I love her music (I’m still not a huge “West” fan), and I thought the review was really unfair (not to mention it totally contradicted mine from yesterday). 😳
    Then again, I haven’t seen her live before, so maybe my reaction was based on the thrill of the first time. I guess it’s true that she did a lot of “rocker grrrl” stuff, and if you had never heard anything but “West,” you might have been blown out of your seat. Still, I didn’t feel that any of the band seemed “bored” with the songs at all. How could they be? Lucinda was still learning the words – she had to refer a lot to her big ol’ binder, especially for the tunes from “West.” Does she do that a lot? I found it endearing.
    Oh well, I still think the show was great. I can’t wait to read more reports from y’all and see what you think,especially from those of you who have more experience at her shows!


    Thanks, Tim. Looking forward to Lu at the brewery.

    Essence: Didn’t post that STL review to contradict you. I don’t doubt you saw a good show. I usually post stuff to stir the pot a little and get people talking about it (in a friendly and civil way). 🙂


    I was at the show in U.City and thought Lucinda was great. I was in the left balcony and yelled out “Feedback, Doug,” after which Lu introduced the band. In fact, I believe I helped start the applause after Doug’s first solo. ‘Rescue’ was a nice spacey way to start the evening…great the rockers for later.

    There’s an old tried and true formula in live performance music…never do your rockers right off the bat, but save one of your best songs for third in the set, not first.

    I first saw Lu when she opened up for Neil Youngs Greenville tour at UMB, or Riverport (?).. and she totally mesmorized me.

    The reviewer is out of touch as Lu has lately relied on thrashing electric guitars and pounding drums and gotten away from the ‘country twang that may be more indicative of her studio work, especially now with Mr. Pettibone at the lead duties….even as far back as her DVD at Austin City Limits.

    Even last year, at the Pageant, with just Doug and Lu, the thrashing, feedback laced guitar work was still evident much of the night, despite being labled more of an acoustic show.

    Lucinda has such a treasury of great songs, she doesn’t have to rely on common practices of playing the “hits” and prefers doing what she wants to do. ( Besides the obvious ‘hits’ that the audience ‘Righteously, Joy, and Essense’) Such has always been her way. She refused the big money offers after Passionate Kisses brought her into the limelight. She wants control of her music.

    I think the reviewer revealed his ignorance of Lu’s body of work and probably listened to CWOAGR once and should stick to reviewing the latest alt/country/punk music that he probably has more of an affinity for.

    Peace, love and revolution, Lu! From a long time professional musician in the StL and Metro East area.



    Thanks for the link, LikeaRose.

    A much more reasonable review of the StL show than the tripe from that arrogant snot-nosed kid Eric Welchell, ..or whatever his name was?

    I mean, c’mon…Eric starts his review by saying something like..”It’s hard to write about Lu and say anything new or insiteful about her shows.”

    What a weenie. LOL

    Of course, any journalism flunk-out can write a blog these days. Doesn’t mean he knows a thing about music.


    Yeah, thanks for the Riverfront Times review, LikeaRose. And Stan, I agree that this one was a lot better than the blog. I think it’s a GOOD thing when you can’t put your finger on the artist and define him/her by your prior expectations (which is what reviewer 1 and a lot of reviewers of “West” seem to want to do). If you look back at Lu’s work from the early days until now you can see the evolution, and you can see experimentation (like her practically rapping on WWT), but you can still identify certain key traits to her voice and her lyrics. That’s cool! Who wants a musician to sound completely like they did 20+ years ago?

    Red Dirt Girl EH

    I was there myself and I have to say that was quite a show! By far the best concert I’ve ever been, too. Anytime I hear anyone say something negative about it I either think a) something is wrong with their hearing or b) they must have been at another show. The highlights were “Honey Bee”, “Come On”, “Unsuffer Me”, and “Essence” but I would love a set list if anyone has one. I tried to write everything down but I ended up leaving my chair to stand closer to the stage. (At 5’4 visibility wasn’t great but I was close). Anyway, how cool was it to have Charlie Louvin there? I thought their “Get Right With God” was incredible. Anyway, if anyone has pictures or anything please share. No matter what, that was a memorable experience.


    I agree….it was a great show. Lu seems to enjoy playing at the Pageant, so that’s a good thing for us.

    I had planned to write down a set list, but never got around to it. Between all of us we could probably remember what she played?

    I wanted to hear “Where Is My Love,” but I don’t think she played that one? I remember her announcing it as a new song last year at the Pageant.

    “Honey Bee?” I’d have to hear it again. That was my first time and all I remember is that it was a pretty raucous song.

    Red Dirt Girl EH

    That Honey Bee was amazing. I remember…

    Unsuffer Me
    Come On
    Get Right With God
    Those Three Days
    Everything Has Changed
    Honey Bee
    A blues song I believe
    Marching Hate Machines…Into the Sun was it?

    What else? My memory is awful, I’m surprised I remember that many. But it was nice to see she liked the Pageant so much. I love that place! It was so easy to meet her afterward which is always a plus in my book.


    I remember, and not in this order:

    Unsuffer Me
    Come On
    Honey Bee (really, really liked this – it was fun)
    Joy/the Doors (“This is the End”)
    Get Right with God

    Prove My Love????
    I think the blues song was Skip Jones, but can’t recall the title.
    And yeah, she did that “Marching the Hate Machines into the Sun” (my first time hearing that)…

    I am thinking she did one more off CWOGR, but I can’t remember which one. I forgot about “Those Three Days”. Does anyone remember what she opened with? It was off “West” and slow, I know that.

    I love the Pageant too. I always heard the acoustics weren’t that great, but it seems they were just fine the other night. I like it better downstairs than up. So you got to meet her, Red Dirt?

    Red Dirt Girl EH

    The opener was Everything Has Changed? I know what you mean, I can’t quite put my finger on it.

    I did meet her! I hung out outside the tour bus. They said she wasn’t coming out so a lot of the group left. Then Charlie came out to hang with us and posed for pictures. He went on the bus and I believe he was the one who got her. She came off the bus and that was when I started shaking like you would not believe. She walked up to me and I asked for a picture. I blurted out “Can I get a hug first?” and she said “Sure” so after that we posed for the picture. Charlie took it. I was standing there with her and she said “You’re shakin!” and I said “I know, sorry” and Charlie was laughing because I handed him my phone and I almost dropped it. So after that she asked if I wanted an autograph and signed it on his back. Well needless to say, between my shaking and not breathing it was an interesting night. A nice way to round out the show.

    My advice if you want to meet her, when security tells you to go home there’s no hope, hang out anyway.

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